Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact: Best Alhaitham Wishing Spots

Use these spots for improving your luck when Wishing for Alhaitham in Genshin Impact.

Heard about Wishing Spots for Alhaitham from other Genshin Impact players? Don’t worry many people look for such places when a new character comes out. He is currently in the Banner for the first half of version 3.4. And players are looking for ways to improve their luck for pulling this powerful Dendro character. So here are the 3 Best spots where you can wish for Alhaitham in Genshin Impact.

Best Alhaitham Wishing Spots in Genshin Impact

The 3 Best spots to Wish for Alhaitham are:

  • The Akademiya
  • Port Ormos
  • Outside Alhaitham’s house

Here is why wishing here might just make pulling Alhaitham feel even better.

The Akademiya

Alhaitham is the Akademiya’s Scribe, whose responsibilities consist of classifying and archiving important documents. So what better place to start than Sumeru’s most prestigious institute? You can try making pulls both inside and outside the Akademiya to see if it works any better.

  • Location: Fast travel directly to the Teleport Waypoint outside the Akademiya.

Port Ormos

Port Ormos is the place where you meet Alhaitham for the first time in the game. This is also the place where he saves you from two frauds and helps you progress on your journey. And this makes it another good spot for wishing Alhaitham.

  • Location: Fast travel to the Teleport Waypoint on the bridge of Port Ormos. It is in the southernmost area of Sumeru.

Outside Alhaitham’s house – Best Wishing Spot

Saving the best wishing spot for the last: Outside Alhaitham’s house. No better place comes to mind when looking for him (or rather trying to get him) than his own home. While you can’t get inside it, wishing from outside should be enough to feel like you have a better chance of getting him.

  • Location: Fast Travel to the Teleport Waypoint in Sumeru City then fly slightly northwest and you should be able to find his house outside the steps.

Do remember Wishing Spots are just superstitions and only exist to make pulling characters a bit more enjoyable experience. Even going to these locations might not guarantee you Alhaitham. But on the flip side, you might make a wish at any random place and end up getting the 5-star Dendro character. So only go to these places to wish if you have easy access to them or for fun. Because in reality they won’t make any difference at all.

That covers this guide on the 3 best Wishing spots for Alhaitham. Since you are interested in this character I suggest you also check out the best Build for Alhaitham. And for more things on this game check out our Genshin Impact section.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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