Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader is one of many bosses in Elden Ring. Apart from being dangerous, this human boss is also extremely fast and agile, making for a tricky boss fight in the game. Fighting this optional boss can be quite a task, even with decent shields. This makes defeating Alecto easier said than done, which is why we have got just the guide for you. Here, we will show you how to fight and defeat this boss in the game.
How to Beat Alecto Black Knife Ringleader in Elden Ring?
To beat Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader in this Elden Ring boss fight, you need to go to the Ringleader’s Evergaol. You will find this location in western Liurnia of the Lakes.
Once here, you will come face-to-face with Alecto herself. Once the fight begins, you will need to stand your ground and stay patient. Doing so will help you get a feel of Alecto’s attacks, as well as any potential weaknesses she may expose herself to. Alecto performs the carved attack. This particular attack has the potential to cause some heavy damage, so beware of it.
When battling Alecto, you will notice that she can be extremely quick with her attacks. While this can be difficult to deal with, it also opens the opportunity for you to attack. Alecto’s pace leaves her susceptible to getting staggered, and this is where you need to get it spot on.
To ensure you get your staggers bang on, we recommend the use of a heavy weapon. Such weapons offer you better possibilities to stagger your enemies.
Keep an eye out for a window of time after Alecto completes an attack in this boss fight. You can use such a window to your advantage and quickly. We also recommend you roll or run away when Alecto prepares to attack you. Attempting to shield during such moments can cause unnecessary damage.
As a bonus tip, using the Briar armor you get by defeating Elemer of the Briar can help you immensely against Alecto.
So there you have it. This is all you need to know about how to beat Alecto in this Elden Ring boss fight. As you can see, biding your time and using stagger attacks is the best way to get past this agile optional boss.
And now that you know how to defeat Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader, take a look at ourĀ Elden Ring Guides.