AFK Arena Ascension Guide

Here are the steps for hero ascension in AFK Arena.

In AFK Arena, you will find common, legendary and ascended heroes to play with. Ascended being the top most tier can be leveled upto 240. This ascescion takes place in the Temple of Ascension. In this guide we will tell you the process of hero ascension in AFK Arena Ascension.

AFK Arena Ascension Guide

AFK Arena Heroes

There are 6 types of hero rarities that the game has to offer:

  • Rare
  • Rare+
  • Elite
  • Elite+
  • Legendary
  • Legendary+

Here is the steps and items required to carry out ascension of the heroes:

1 Rare to Rare+ 2 copies of the same hero rarity of Rare
2 Rare+ to Elite 2 copies of any Elite+ rarity hero of the same faction
3 Elite to Elite+ 1 copy of elite hero rarity with the same hero rarity
4 Elite+ to Legendary 2 copies of any Elite+ rarity hero of the same faction
5 Legendary to Legendary+ 1 copy of the same  Elite+ rarity hero
6 Legendary+ to Mythic 1 copy of any Legendary+ rarity hero of the same faction
7 Mythic to Mythic+ 1 copy of any Legendary+ rarity hero of the same faction
8 Mythic+ to Ascended 2 copies of the same  Elite+ rarity hero
9 Ascended to Ascended star 1 copy of the same hero at Elite+ rarity combined with an ascended hero. Upto 5 stars

Celestials and Hypogeans Ascension Guide

AFK Arena

The process of ascencion of these heroes is different. Here is how to ascend Celestial and Hypogean heroes.

1 Elite to Elite+ 1 copy of the same Elite rarity hero
2 Elite+ to Legendary 1 copy of same Elite+ rarity hero
3 Legendary to Legendary+ 1 copy of the same Elite+ rarity hero
4 Legendary+ to Mythic 1 copy of the same Elite+ rarity hero
5 Mythic to Mythic+ 1 copy of the same Elite+ rarity hero
6 Mythic+ to Ascended 2 copies of the same hero at Elite+ rarity
7 Ascended to Ascended star 1 copy of the same hero at Elite+ rarity for each star

So that is all for our guide on AFK arena ascension guide. If you would like to know the best teams to use in July 2021, we have a guide on that too for you to check out.