Discord Account Disabled Appeal & Fix – Why Did It Happen?

Here are the reasons why your Discord account was disabled and what you can do to appeal or fix it.

Why is my Discord account disabled and how to reinstate it? This guide will answer your questions and you can (hopefully) get your account back. There are quite a few reasons why your account can be disabled or temporarily banned and we’ll take a look at them below.

Why was my Discord Account Disabled, Suspended or Terminated?

discord account suspended terminated for no reason

Your Discord account can be disabled if:

  • You violate the terms of service or community guidelines of Discord.
  • If Discord has to comply with a court order or legal requirement to disable your account.
  • Users who are under 13 years old and do not meet the minimum age of digital consent in their country could have their account disabled
  • If the team deems it necessary to prevent harm to you, Discord, other users or third parties.
  • If your account has been inactive for more than two years.

What are the Community Guidelines of Discord?

Discord is a site/platform to communicate with other users and discuss about similar interests. There are a few community guidelines that everyone has to follow, and if you don’t, there’s a chance that your Discord account will be deactivated.

Here’s gist of the guidelines from the official page:

  • Do not harass others or organize, promote, or participate in harassment.
  • Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others.
  • Do not organize, promote, or participate in hate speech or hateful conduct.
  • Do not use Discord for the organization, promotion, or support of extremism.
  • Do not make nsfw content available to anyone.
  • Do not share explicit content of other people without their consent.
  • Do not share content that violates anyone’s intellectual property or other rights.
  • Do not share false or misleading information .
  • Do not coordinate or participate in malicious impersonation of an individual or an organization.
  • Do not distribute or provide access to content involving the hacking, cracking, or distribution of stolen goods, pirated content, or accounts.
  • Do not engage in activities intended to cause damage or gain unauthorized access to another user’s account, network, or system.
  • Do not mislead Discord’s support teams.
  • Don’t use the services to do harm to Discord.

If users violate any of these guidelines, then you can get banned – temporarily or permanently.

How to Reinstate & Recover my Disabled Discord Account?

how to appeal discord account disabled

Here’s how to appeal a suspension or termination of your account by Discord:

  • Users can contact Discord via the Submit a Request page to tell them about getting your account back. Depending on the type of violation, you may or may not get a positive response from them.
  • Tweet @Discord but due to the large number of messages they get, it can be tough to get a response through this medium.
  • Email [email protected] and explain the problem you are facing.

That’s all about the reasons behind your Discord account being disabled and what you can do to potentially reactivate it. For more on Discord, check out our guides here.