Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: How To Get Bayek Outfit

Wondering how to get the legendary Bayek outfit in AC Valhalla. Continue to read this guide to find out everything that you need to know about getting the Bayek outfit in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Bayek is one of the legendary outfits that you can or probably could have grabbed in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. To be able to get the Bayek Outfit, you had to be a part of the AC Valhalla reveal on Twitch. However, since this is not possible now, there is no way to get the Bayek outfit if you haven’t been a part of the reveal. But that’s not only the case. Several gamers have reported that they are not able to get the legendary outfit despite being a part of the reveal event. If you are one of them, then this guide is just for you. In this guide, we will walk you through how to get Bayek legendary outfit in AC Valhalla if you have access to it on Ubisoft Connect.

How to Get Bayek Outfit in AC Valhalla

To get Bayek Outift in AC Valhalla, you can disconnect and connect back to the internet while in the game. This can help the content to show up in the game. This is a workaround and might work for some players and not work for some others.

Despite being present during the reveal event, several players have complained that they are seeing the Bayek outfit as a dropped item on Ubisoft Connect. However, the outfit is showing locked and for some, it is also showing as the item is for AC Odyssey.

Almost all the players are experiencing the same issue when it comes to using the reward outfit while in-game. The above-mentioned workaround will help you get the outfit that you are so longing for. Luckily, the developers are aware of the situation and trying to figure out the issue and solve it. Hence, it is only a period of time before the Bayek outfit will be unlocked and accessed on the Ubisoft Connect screen itself.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get the Bayek outfit in AC Valhalla. Along with the legendary outfits, the game also features several legendary animals. You can find out the locations of all legendary animals in AC Valhalla and kill them to get lucrative rewards. While here, ensure reading about where to find more raw materials to upgrade weapons. Also, consider reading how to sell weapons so that you can dismantle the obsolete ones and make room for the new ones.


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