All Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials Hogwarts Legacy – How To Solve Them

Here's a guide with the solution for all Merlin Trials in the Lower Hogsfield region in Hogwarts Legacy.

Are you wondering how to solve all Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy? Then you are at the right place as this guide have you covered. Having additional gear slots to increase your inventory can be quite helpful and thankfully, Merlin Trials are in plenty. Although they are not that difficult, they can often become cumbersome and hence many players tend to lose their way. Fortunately, we are here to make sure that does not happen to you. So if you are finding the Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials to be confusing, all you have to do is read through this guide.

All Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials Locations in Hogwarts Legacy

Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trial Solution

The image above shows all the locations of the Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials. Thanks to MapGenie for this interactive map of Hogwarts Legacy.

As you can see there are five trials that you will have to solve. It will add to your task of getting more gear space and in the end, complete all Hogwarts Legacy challenges.

How to Solve Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy

How to Solve Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy

Here’s how you will have to solve all Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy:

Merlin Trial 1

Merlin Trial 1

This will be related to your Trials of Merlin quest and you will come across three torches on top of the pillars. You will have to quickly use Incendio on all three torches in order to solve this trial.

Merlin Trial 2

Merlin Trial 2

For this one, you will have to locate three tile floors. Along with that, you will have to search for a group of balls. Once you find the balls, use Accio and place them on the tile floors and you will solve the second Merlin Trial.

Merlin Trial 3

Merlin Trial 3

This one is located towards the south and will need the use of Revelio. There are numerous orb-like balls around you that you have to destroy using a basic cast. Once all of them are destroyed, you will complete the third Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy.

Merlin Trial 4

Merlin Trial 4

In this trial, you will have to use Levioso and Accio on a giant ball and carry it downhill in the southeast direction. Soon you will be able to see a spiral region in the field where you can drop the ball.

Merlin Trial 5

Merlin Trial 5

The last Merlin Trial in the Lower Hogsfield region takes place in a goblin camp further south. While it is similar to the three tile floor trial that you should have already done by now, you will have to use Incendio on a rock with vines. This will allow you to use Accio on balls hidden behind them. You can use Revelio outside the Goblin camp to find them.

That’s all there is on how to Solve all Lower Hogsfield Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy. While you are here, make sure you check out our other Hogwarts Legacy guides right here at Gamer Tweak.