How to Get Deadpool Skin In Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2

So dark. Are you sure you’re not from the DC universe?

In Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 trailer there are a lot of hidden things you might have ignored. This also includes a reward from Deadpool who is officially in Fortnite during Chapter 2 of Season 2. There will be a Deadpools outfit or associated rewards in the game because Chapter 2 has a hidden section from where you can play weekly challenge by Deadpool. Here there are rewards and the challenges are funny. So here is how you can play Deadpool weekly challenges in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2.

Where to find Deadpool’s Vault in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2?

From the main screen, where you will see a huge table with holographic maps, agents sitting like Avengers there are some sections you might easily ignore in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2. One of them is a vent that takes you to a small hidden room with a computer that belongs to Deadpool.

This is where you will find weekly challenges from the famous Wade a.k.a Deadpool and in future it is for sure you will be able to unlock a Deadpool outfit in Fortnite. Or unless there will be some rewards like skins, banners, etc. So here is what you have to do.

Fortnite 2 Season 2 Deadpool

From the Main Screen of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2, next to the huge battle pass window there is a small vent. When you move your cursor over it, it will take you inside a very small toilet and it is disgusting. There is a computer on the right and a letter on the floor below. For the second challenge just jump out the Battle Bus without thanking the bus driver. That’s it.

Deadpool Week 1 Challenge:

Select the computer to see weekly challenges for the first week there are two. They are:

  • Find Deadpool’s letter to Epic Games
  • Don’t thank the bus driver

The letter you are looking for is on the left side on the ground. And it has a hilarious message from Deadpool for Fortnite. The letter shows a drawing of a Deadpool featured Battle Bus. We might see this soon in the game. Currently, there are only two challenges, keep checking this section of Fortnite and you will unlock Deadpool rewards soon.

Deadpool Week 2 Challenge:

Two new challenges are unlocked during the second week which brings a new reward a Deadpool Spray.

  • Find Deadpools milk carton.
  • Find Deadpools chimichangas around HQ.

The milk carton is in the toilet region while Chimichangas are scattered in the HQ. Look in Brutus office near the table and also search around the main big table from where you pick main missions. You will be able to easily find three of them.

Dead Pool Challenges Rewards

  1. Week 1 – Deadpool Banner
  2. Week 2 – Deadpool Wall Spray 

Every week there will be few challenges and each one will unlock a new reward. Starting from week 1 you will unlock a simple banner. Keep visiting the secret room to know more.