Game Release Dates

Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox Release “On Schedule” For The End Of 2023

Here is what the CEO & Founder of Larian Studios stated on the current status of Baldur's Gate 3 Xbox release and when to expect it.

While PlayStation and PC players are thoroughly enjoying their long campaign amidst the Forgotten Realms, many are eagerly awaiting Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox release. Back in August the release was confirmed and slated for the end of the year. With that being said, the founder and CEO of Larian Studios, Swen Vincke, the mind behind one of the best-selling games has now confirmed that the Xbox release is ‘Still on Schedule’. Meaning, that players will be able to take part in the DnD universe soon with their Xbox Series X and S consoles somewhere around the year’s end.

However, there are a couple of things that players with Xbox consoles both the Series X and S will have to keep in mind going forward. Having said that, it’s still the time for Xbox players to rejoice and if you want to know more about it in depth then check out this article further.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox Release “Still On Schedule” For Year End

Image Source: Steam

Swen Vincke, Founder and CEO of Larian Studios took to Twitter to state that Baldur’s Gate 3 is being actively tested on both the Xbox versions. He went on to further address that the exact release date of the game on the console platform will be announced when the studio is sure about it. As mentioned before, back in June, Vincke stated that the Studio was eyeing a release date between October and November. Since then the studio has gone on to develop a port and even release BG3 on PlayStation in September.

However, there are quite a few technical difficulties that the Larian Studio ran across. While Vincke was happy to announce that they have found the solutions that allow them to bring Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox release till the end of the year, they still had some things to work towards. Everything considered, the studio had to decide to not feature Split Screen Co-op for Xbox Series S going forward. Series S, is the less powerful of the two Xbox systems.

As mentioned before, the specific release date has yet to be announced by the developer studio and it will take some time for them to figure out everything after the playtest. With that being said, Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released with all the improvements and will also include cross-save progression between Xbox and Steam.

Players will have to wait for the official confirmations for which they can follow Larian Studios on Twitter. If everything goes according to the game plan, you can expect the announcement to be around mid-November or early December.

That’s everything covered on Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox Release. For more interesting and informative articles like these, check out our dedicated News section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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