Video Game Guides

Xbox Game Sharing Not Working Fix

Check out our guide on how to fix the Game sharing not working on Xbox.

Game sharing on Xbox is one of the most useful ways to access your friends’ library. With the game sharing option, players can share their library with friends and other Xbox players. Along with that, players can also share the benefits of an Xbox Live subscription. But many criteria come under it. One of the criteria is that you can access or use the benefits of game sharing only with one person. We have compiled such different criteria that players might have ignored while setting up. So, here’s our guide on how to fix the game sharing not working on Xbox.

How to Fix Xbox Game Sharing Not Working

Mentioned below are all the potential methods to fix Game sharing:

Set up a Home Xbox Account

Follow the mentioned below steps:

  • Hit the Xbox button and select Profile and system.
  • Then, head over to the Settings and select the General tile.
  • Select the Personalization and select “My home Xbox“.
  • Then hit the “Make this my home Xbox” to set up that console your home Xbox.

Check the number of Home Xbox Switches

While you can share Xbox with only one other person, you can switch your home account only 5 times a year. Once you might have reached these 5 switches you can select the Help option for assistance. You might get lucky and be an exception to change your Xbox home account again.

Sign in with two accounts

Make sure that while game sharing sign in with two different profiles. The account that uses game sharing can be signed-in on the other console and the other account needs to be signed in to the home Xbox console.

That’s all on how to fix the Game sharing not working on Xbox. If this guide helped you make sure to check out our other Video Gaming Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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