
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Update 1.0.4 And 1.0.5 Patch Notes Released

Check out the patch notes for Wolfenstein: Youngblood which brings further changes to the game to make it better as per user feedback

Wolfenstein: Youngblood introduces us to two new characters in this epic series which has fought against the Nazi regime. The game received mixed reviews but it is still fun to pick up and find new way and techniques into this decade lasting franchise.

The studio Bethesda has released notes which highlights the changes that will be accompanied with version 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 which will soon be released for the Wolfenstein: Youngblood.

Version 1.0.4 features highlight the offline mode pause function and the 1.0.5 addresses a host of game difficulty and progression issues based on user feedback to improve the game further make it better.

You can check out the patch notes for the future updates right below:

Update 1.0.4

The team at Machine Games has been working on adding a pause function for Offline mode, as well as fixing several issues that players have encountered with achieving 100% game completion. We are targeting this update for later this week on PC, and a couple of days later on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Stay tuned for further news on the Nintendo Switch version.

You can read the full patch notes for 1.0.4 below.

Update 1.0.5

In our 1.0.5 update, we are working to address a host of game difficulty and progression issues based on your feedback. This includes:

Additional checkpoints
Difficulty adjustments across the board, especially in boss fights
Addressing the feeling some players have expressed that some enemies feel like “bullet sponges”
Adding additional ammo throughout the game
An option to toggle enemy health bars on/off
Making it easier to get 100% game completion

Please stay tuned for more specifics and timing of this update soon! Be sure to follow us @ Wolfenstein on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest news.

Update 1.0.4 Patch Notes (Coming later this week)


All Platforms

Added ability to pause the game in OFFLINE mode only. Although we have tested this feature extensively, if you encounter any issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket to
Removed the ability to open padlocked doors from the wrong side, as this was causing some issues with mission progression
Client players will once again take normal damage from environmental explosions (fire extinguishers, fuel tanks, etc.)
Players will now correctly be able to catch friendly and enemy grenades after taking the Grenade God upgrade
Client players were having health and ammo fully restored in some circumstances after picking up a heavy weapon
Uberhammer projectiles will now explode properly under all conditions
Fixed an issue where one player could end up rotated in the wrong direction while interacting with elevator levers

Art and Graphics

All Platforms

Improved the animation when viewing your sister opening Shared Life crates (eliminates teleporting)
Fixed a variety of audio issues, including resolving audio dropouts after equipping the flashlight weapon upgrade on the Kugelgewehr

User Interface

All Platforms

The Protohund marker for “Destroy the Protohund” and “Collect the Box” missions will no longer appear on the minimap when the mission is not set to active
Opening the Journal while activating fast travel now interrupts fast travel. This corrects a variety of issues with loading and UI
Fixed a reticle issue that could cause your weapon crosshair in Wolfenstein: Youngblood to appear when playing the “classic” Wolfstone 3D arcade game in the Paris Catacombs
Corrected an issue that could cause “Call for Help” to not be available after using a Shared Life. “Call for Help” should now be available if the player is down but their sister is alive
Fixed an issue when performing certain actions while opening the in-game options menu that could cause the camera to become permanently tilted

Xbox One

Fixed an issue that was causing some players to create an Online game even though they chose the Offline option


All Platforms

Fixed a variety of audio issues, including resolving audio dropouts after equipping the flashlight weapon upgrade on the Kugelgewehr

Online Co-op

All Platforms

Fixed a network packet issue that could cause session disconnects when too many explosions occurred in co-op, resulting in players getting dropped from their co-op game
Resolved crash that could happen with the Client in a co-op game used Crush, then immediately performed a melee attack on the enemy


Fixed the error message players would receive if their Steam Privacy settings were set to Friends Only. Note that your Steam profile must be set to Public in order to view Steam friends through the in-game invite menu

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

All Platforms

Enemies will no longer float in midair next to the walkways in Lab X
The last used weapon was not being properly equipped when the player dropped a heavy weapon
Resolved issue where enemies could become stuck floating during the “Lothar and Juju’s trap” mission


Changed “Could Not Write Crash Dump” error message to be more descriptive. Crash Dumps are files that contain information relating to a crash; this message would appear any time a crash occurred—which could occur for different reasons—and may have led to confusion that “Could Not Write Crash Dump” was a specific error. As these files tend to be large (~58mb) Crash Dump writing remains off by default. The new message gives explicit instructions on how to turn on Crash Dump writing should you choose to assist in diagnosing the cause of your crash


Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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