GTA Online

Why Does It Say Blocked In GTA 5 Online?

Unable to figure out why it says "Blocked" next to a friend's name in GTA 5? Check out this guide to know.

Several players have encountered a strange issue that says “Blocked” while inviting their friends to GTA 5. This issue has been occurring since the early release periods of the Online mode. Even after checking every corner of the in-game options, players were unable to figure out the root cause of this problem. So in this guide, we will explain why it says “Blocked” in GTA 5 Online.

Why it Shows “Blocked” in GTA 5?

There are plenty of reasons why it shows Blocked next to your friend’s username in GTA. But before we list down some of the reasons below, please make sure that you and your friend has completed the GTA Online Tutorial. Doing so is necessary as you will be restricted from hosting or joining a server unless you have finished the tutorial. If you have completed the tutorial and still facing this problem, then it can be because of one of the following reasons:

  • You or anyone in your Party may have accidentally Blocked the player on Steam, Epic, PSN, Xbox, or Rockstar.
  • The Invited player may have turned off accepting invites from anyone.
  • Either one of you may have an outdated GTA 5 Online Version.
  • A bug may have caused this problem to appear.
Image Source: GTA 5 Online Shorts

As of now, these are all the known reasons for this “Blocked” issue in GTA 5. If you want to know how to block/unblock someone on Rockstar, then follow these steps:

How to Block or Unblock Someone in GTA Online

  • Pause the game and enter the Online
  • Navigate to the Players tab and view the player with whom you are getting the issue
  • Select their username and click on the Options button at the bottom
  • After that, click on the Show Profile button and a Rockstar page will open
  • From there, select Player Action and you can Block/Unblock someone in GTA 5

I hope you now know why it says “Blocked” while inviting someone to GTA 5. Apart from this, there are plenty of other things that might confuse you while playing this Rockstar game. And in case this happens, be sure to check out our dedicated section for GTA 5 Guides on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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