Far Cry 6

Fix Far Cry 6 Warm Up PSO Cache Error Or Issue | Startup Taking Long Time

Is the game taking way too long to load and start? Here's how to fix the Far Cry 6 Warm Up PSO Cache error and what it means.

While trying to load up Far Cry 6, you will see a message – Warm Up PSO Cache. And sometimes it just stays there for way more time. Many players are facing this error and if you are one among them, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Try this method to potentially fix the Far Cry 6 Warm Up PSO Cache issue.

How to Fix Warm Up PSO Cache Error or Issue in Far Cry 6?

If your game is stuck at the Warm Up PSO cache error, these are some of the things you need to try:

  • Move Install Files to SSD
  • Wait 5-15 Mins
  • Restart the System
  • Check for Fix From Devs
  • Reinstall the Game

Move Install Files to SSD

If you have installed the game on HDD, move the entire folder to SSD and go to Ubisoft Connect and verify the new file location from Properties. Now, once you launch the game, it should load up much faster than before.

Wait 5-15 Mins

Even after moving the files to SSD, if the problem persists, all you can do is wait patiently until the message goes away. Try to wait for quite some time but when it goes beyond, say, 20 minutes, then you can close the game and try again.

Restart the System

You can also close the game, restart your PC/Console and launch the game again to see if the error comes up again. This should flush out any issues that may have cropped up during the launch.

Check for Fix From Devs

In any unfortunate case, the issue is from Ubisoft’s end, like the servers are down for maintenance or going through an outage, check their official Twitter account for any latest information. Check the Twitter feed and if many players are mentioning the same problem, chances are that devs will fix it soon or it’s a major issue that will release a small update similar to a patch fix.

Reinstall the Game

As a last resort, reinstall the game because it could be that the game did not install correctly the last time. Once done, attempt to jump into it right away and check if the problem still comes up.

What does Warm Up PSO cache mean?

Warm Up PSO cache basically loads the assets and resources including textures, models and more. So, it’s the loading process that’s happening in the background which is why you see the Warm Up PSO cache message. Once the loading is complete, you will be able to enter the game.

This is everything about the Warm Up PSO cache error in Far Cry 6. We’ve got lots more FC6 tips and tricks for you on Gamer Tweak, such as where to find all Resolver weapons locations, how to get all Rocket Launchers, all Horse locations etc, so keep reading!

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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