Video Game Guides

How To Get Better At Warding In League Of Legends

Here are some tips for you to get better at Warding in League of Legends.

Being a MOBA game, League of Legends demands the player to get accustomed to playing in a competitive environment. There are multiple ways through which opponents can try to defeat you. Hence, it is important for you to keep an eye on everywhere. Warding is one essential technique one should know while playing League of Legends. If you are one of those players who is looking to learn more about this technique, then make sure to read this guide till the end.

What is a Ward?

Before we try to master a skill, it is better to know about it beforehand. For those who don’t know, the dark mist on the map is known as the Fog of War. It can help a player to hide effectively. May it be you or your enemy, anyone can take advantage of this thick fog. Champions, Abilities, Turrets, and Ward can clear the Fog of War. However, all of them are temporary methods, excluding the Ward.

In League, Ward is an item that can clear the Fog of War much more effectively than the rest of the abilities. One can purchase 4 types of Wards which include:

  • Stealth Ward
  • Control Ward
  • Zombie Ward
  • Farsight Alteration

In games like this, having to the location of your enemy can help you get an upper edge. Hence, it is important for a player to get better at Warding in League of Legends.

How to Get Better at Warding in League of Legends

Now that we know why Warding is important, here are some tips and tricks to improve your Warding abilities:

  • There are 3 phases of a game which include early, mid, and end periods. You should always trust your guts and place a Ward from where you think the junglers are going to gank. Opponents are more likely to wait and find the best way to kick in.
  • Since Wards can be spotted and destroyed by other players, make sure to place them somewhere it is difficult to spot. For instance, you can place a Ward at the edge of a bush. This will significantly reveal the area giving you a better vision.

  • While in Lane, there are chances you may get attacked by an enemy. In such cases, simply try to place a Ward over the wall. This will allow you to reveal the location of the enemy who is on top.
  • Always think about all the possible entrances for an enemy. And according to that, place a Ward in League of Legends.

That covers everything about Warding in League of Legends. While you are here, make sure to check out our other LoL guides on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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