
Valheim Tankard: How To Craft And Use

Here's how to craft a Tankard in Valheim.

Valheim makes your dream of living as a Vikingar come true. Not only you have to survive in this harsh 10th world by hunting, farming, and building, also by killing other hostile creatures and the forsaken bosses. Cooking food and fermenting mead in a Fermenter is an integral part of the game to survive here. So while doing all this you might have noticed an option to craft a Tankard in Workbench, or even might already own one but having trouble figuring out its function. So here’s how to craft and use Tankard in Valheim.

How to Craft Tankard in Valheim?

Crafting a Tankard is fairly easy in Valheim. You need 5 Fine Wood and 2 Resin. Resin is easy to come early in-game when you defeat the Greydwarfs attacking you. You can even use your bare hands if they are attacking you alone. Fine wood needs more planning at first, as you need to craft a Bronze Axe. This is because you need this axe to chop Beech and Fir trees.

How to Use Tankard in Valheim?

Tankard is one of the items along with Mead Horn of Odin, that don’t have any particular use or any activity associated with them. Mead Horn of Odin was only available for players who played the game in its beta stage. So now only Tankard is the only item used just aesthetics and cosmetic purposes. It’s well suited to hold while taking screenshots and pics with your friends in-game, in your Longhouse. Other than the role-playing aspects of it, there is no other value assigned to it. So even you don’t have it now, you don’t have to craft one for you on an urgent basis.

That’s everything you need to know about how to craft and use Tankard in Valheim. While you’re here, get more hidden secrets in our Valheim Wiki Guide. Also, check out more tips & tricks that will help you level up your gameplay in our Valheim guides.

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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