Modern Warfare 3

New MW3 Tactical Stance Explained – How To Use

What is the Tactical Stance in MW3? Here's everything you need on it.

With the new MW3 Tactical Stance, players can now have a much better balance and mobility in close ranged fights. Simply put, Modern Warfare 3 players will get to experience better strafe movement and maneuvers when having a close range gunfight. Modern Warfare 3 and Activision have introduced this new game mechanic along with numerous other changes and maps that fans can try out with MW3 Beta Codes and early Access.

What is the MW3 Tactical Stance?

According to Activision, this will bring the perfect balance between hip-fire and ADS. If you are a veteran, you would have experienced the troubles of hip firing or ADS in a gunfight. Especially when it comes to balance, mobility, and stability with an Assault Rifle. With the MW3 Tactical Stance, players will have a few additional benefits over the hip-fire without the full blow of having to commit to an ADS.

Image Source: Screenshot via Activision

Although Tactical Stance is great in crunched spaces, players will have to constantly get in and out of the Tac-Stance to maintain accuracy. While you are getting mobility, you are also trading a bit of accuracy with this stance.

How to Use Tactical Stance in Modern Warfare 3

Now that you know how useful the Tactical Stance is, you need to understand how it works. With the early access not far away, players can test out this new in-game mechanic. To enable Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3, hit down on the D-Pad. Additionally, the Tac-Stance works automatically while players are sliding so there is no need for additional enabling. The COD Blog Post that explained the Tactical Stance had other announcements that players can look into.

As we go through the first phase of early access, we will get know more about this in-game mechanism. That’s all we have on the Tactical Stance in Modern Warfare 3. If you found this guide useful do check out MW3 Guides section for more such guides here at Gamer Tweak.

Shreyansh Shah

The 'Into-resting' kind of guy, Shreyansh loves scoring goals in FIFA and dying in the boss fights of Sekiro. Also, hacking and slashing zombies is his second favorite pass time after Call of Duty. The galaxies far far away is where Shreyansh spends his weekends if he is not racing on different circuits.

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