Video Game Guides

How To Unlock Weapons In Wild Hearts?

Here is how you can unlock additional weapons to use in Wild Hearts.

Wild Hearts features many types of weapons to hunt Kemonos with but are you wondering how to unlock them? Currently, Wild Hearts has 8 different weapons. At the beginning of the game, you will unlock the ability to craft weapons, but only 5 weapons will be accessible to use. Despite this variety, you might not like them and want to unlock the other 3 weapons. These weapons are not only locked but they won’t show what these weapons are. Let’s take a look at these 3 weapons and how you can unlock them.

How to unlock and craft new weapons in Wild Hearts?

If you want to know how to unlock the remaining 3 weapons in Wild hearts, let’s learn what weapons they are. All 3 unlockable weapons are listed here as follows:

  • Claw Blade
  • Hand Cannon
  • Karakuri Staff

These weapons are definitely worth unlocking since they are quite unique and also quite powerful against the Kemonos.

Crafting weapons and unlocking additional ones

When you first start the game and learn to hunt Kemonos, you will only have 1 weapon; The Karakuri Katana. This is an all-rounder type of weapon that works decently in all situations.

Once you progress further, you will meet Natsume the Blacksmith, and learn to craft a Forge at your camp. Using this Forge, you will be able to craft more weapons like the Kaduchi, the Bow, the Maul, and the Bladed Wagasa.

After having access to all this, you will have noticed that you still cannot craft the 3 weapons that we mentioned before. So, In order to unlock these weapons you will need to complete Chapter 1.

Follow these steps in order to complete Chapter 1:

  • Hunt and kill Kingtusk, this will give you access to the village of Minato.
  • Hunt and Kill the Spineglider, you will have to travel to Natsukodachi Island to do this.
  • Defeat Lavabag and Gritdog by following the main quests.
  • Complete the Earthshaker quest
  • Speak to Natsume at the Forge after the festival

Doing these steps will unlock access to craft the 3 weapons that were locked before. For more Wild Hearts guides like this, check out our other articles like where to find Lightstone and how to play with friends in Wild Hearts.

Junaid Shaikh

When Junaid isn't making music, he is playing games. He never backs down from a challenge, and never slows down either when he is racing F1 cars or drifting JDM whips on the racing wheel. If not racing, he plays FPS games like CoD and Overwatch.

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