Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock Competitive Play

Know how to unlock the Ranked Play matches in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 is a sequel to the popular Overwatch that was released back in 2016. OW 2 comes with dozens of new in-game features that are more than enough to keep you entertained for hours. With the game being released on October 4th for almost all gaming platforms, the game is doing pretty well. Overwatch 2 offers the players multiple game modes like Deathmatches, Capture the Flag, Escort, Hybrid, etc. Ranked or Competitive Play are the modes responsible for you to rank up or down. However, Competitive play in Overwatch 2 is not available to play from the beginning. Although, check out this guide that features steps to unlock Ranked play in OW2.

How to Unlock Competitive Play in Overwatch 2

Players who had access to Competitive Play in Overwatch 1 will already have access to it in Overwatch 2. Whereas, those who have started playing it right now may have to grind a bit. In order to unlock Ranked Play, players will have to complete the First Time User Experience (FTUE) and win 50 Quick Play matches. Also, keep in mind that only Role and Open Queue games count and not Mystery Heroes or Deathmatches. You can team up with your friends to take on enemy teams and rank up quickly.

Additionally, playing 50 matches to unlock Ranked Play also prepares the players to put up a tough battle in Overwatch 2. Further, it does not take much time to finish Quick Play matches in OW2. Previously, in Overwatch 1, the player had to reach level 25 in order to unlock the Competitive Play. Comparatively, unlocking Comparatively Play matches in Overwatch 2 is a bit more difficult than in Overwatch 1.

Also Read | Best Heroes Tier List in Overwatch 2

That’s how to unlock the Competitive Play or Ranked Play matches in Overwatch 2. If you found this article helpful, then make sure to check out our other guides on Overwatch 2.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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