Video Game Guides

How To Throw Opponent Over The Top Rope In WWE 2K23

Want to break the Announcer's Table? Here's how you can throw an opponent over the top rope in WWE 2K23.

Surviving against multiple superstars is tough while competing in a Royal Rumble or Battle Royal Match. Hence, it is important that you know the trick to throw an opponent over the top rope in WWE 2K23. Throwing an opponent to the ringside is not only useful in Royal Rumble matches but in normal matches as well. Hitting a finisher on the ringside area is more damaging than inside the ring. Moreover, you would not want to miss an opportunity to perform an OMG move on the Announcer’s Table outside. That being said, here’s how you can throw an opponent outside the ring.

How to Throw an Opponent Outside the Ring in WWE 2K23

In order to throw an opponent over the top rope, you first need to grab them. To do so, press ‘B’ on Xbox, the Circle button on PlayStation, and the ‘L’ key on PC. After that, you must carry the opponent on your shoulders by pressing RB on Xbox, R1 on PlayStation, and ‘O+A’ keys on PC. Once you have carried an opponent on your shoulders, take them near the ropes and press ‘B’ on Xbox, Circle on PlayStation, and ‘K’ button on PC to throw them over the top rope in WWE 2K23.

Image Source – CellOverWatcH (YouTube)

Also, you can Irish Whip an opponent over the top rope instead of carrying them around. Simply Grab the opponent and press & hold ‘B’ on Xbox and Circle on PlayStation to throw the opponent over the top rope in WWE 2K23. Whereas, on PC, you need to use the keys W/A/S/D + L (hold) to throw the opponent outside the Ring.

For those who don’t know, throwing an opponent to the ringside does a lot of damage. Additionally, it can buy you some valuable moments of recovery.

That covers everything on how to throw an opponent over the top rope in WWE 2K23. While you are here, make sure to check out our other guide on WWE 2K23 Locker Codes.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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