
The Last of Us: Part II “Ending Is Not Out There,” Neil Druckmann Confirms

In the last few months, videos from The Last of Us: Part II were leaked by a suspected hacker and began circulating online. Due to that important details about the story were revealed and that many claimed to know how this chapter ends. However, Neil Druckmann, project director and vice president of Naughty Dog, assured that the ending has not yet been revealed.

“There’s all these theories about what the ending is but the ending is not out there. You actually don’t know how it all comes together,” Druckmann mentioned in the interview to Eurogamer.

Later, the creative made it clear that they do not want to share details about it since if they did, they would be sharing spoilers. So they prefer to remain silent and let the public discover it when they have the game in their hands.

“There’s so many false things out there. We don’t want to go out there and correct anything because that would be spoiling the game in a way – by saying what it isn’t, we’re kind of saying what it is,” he explained.

Druckmann later acknowledged that he was disappointed when material from The Last of Us: Part II was leaked. That said, he noted that it is something that has already happened to him previously and in the end did not affect the experience that the fans had.

“[The spoilers] sucked. You’ve worked on something for so long, and then to have it come out in the way that it did was disappointing, to myself and other members of the team. But pretty quickly we huddled together and wanted to discuss it. First of all, The Last Of Us One had stuff leak, Uncharted 4 had a truck where the games were stolen off that truck early and people were like posting the ending early. And that didn’t take away from anything at the end, because nothing compares to playing it. Nothing compares to being Ellie and feeling those moments, not just in cutscenes, but in gameplay, conversations, the music and the emotional effect that has on you,” he said.

The Last of Us: Part II will release on June 19, 2020 on PlayStation 4.


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