Video Game Guides

Soulmask: How To Tame A Panther (Get Fastest Mount)

Want a cool-looking mount in Soulmask? You should tame a Panther.

Knowing how to tame a Panther in Soulmask lets you get one of the fastest mounts in the game. While there are other options like Alpacas, Llamas, and Ostriches, who wouldn’t want a nice jaguar? The biggest thing why you should go for it is its speed. As mentioned before, it is noticeably quicker than the other options available. However, that does also mean you won’t be able to carry as many resources due to its weight limit. But if that isn’t an issue for you, this is where you can find one.

How to Find and Tame a Panther in Soulmask

In order to tame one you will need:

  • Life Perception Skill: You can find it in the Mask Node Repair Tree.
  • Panther Saddle: Go to the Knowledge & Technology tree, and in Advancement of Bronze, you can find it in Bronze Gear.
  • Awareness Strength 25 (Needed for the saddle)
  • Animal Traps
  • Flesh to lure them in.

Once you have the above prerequisites ready here is what you do:

Image Credits: wak4863 on YouTube. Trap a baby panther, then take it to your base and put a saddle on it to tame a Panther in Soulmask.
  1. Go south from the Pyramid in the rainforest and get to the Black Panther Rest Point.
  2. Next, look for the feline footprints and interact with them so that a female Panther spawns.
  3. Now, you can stalk the Panther until it finds food and returns back to give birth to its baby Panther.
  4. Next, set up traps near the baby panther without getting too close to it.
  5. Add flesh to the trap so that the baby gets lured into it.
  6. Wait until the baby gets stuck inside one of your traps. You can check that by seeing if it stops moving for a while.
  7. Now, check if the mother panther is around, if she is you can kill and get rid of her.
  8. If she isn’t simply walk up to the trapped baby panther and interact with it.
  9. Now, it will become your pet that you can take back to your base.
  10. Once at the base build a shelter for it and provide it with food and water regularly until it grows.
  11. Finally, all that is left is to add a saddle to it. You can put it while it is a baby or can wait till it has grown completely.

With that, you now know how to tame a Panther in Soulmask. If you need any more help on other topics of this game then be sure to also check our guides on how to get feces, improve tribe mood, and get tribesmen to follow you.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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