Video Game Guides

How To Click Photos For Quests In Honkai Star Rail

You can Take Photos of your Trailblazer and your environment in Honkai Star Rail. Here's how you can do it.

Like in other Hoyoverse titles like Genshin Impact, you can take photos in Honkai Star Rail as well. Besides using the regular screenshot system of your device, using Photo Mode is a far better option. The biggest advantage of it is that it lets you save the picture clicked in comparatively high quality. Also, there are some quests in Honkai Star Rail that would require you to take photos. If you are unaware of this game’s mechanics, then things may get a bit difficult for you. So, check out this guide to know how to click pictures normally and for quests.

How to Take Photos in Honkai Star Rail

To take pictures in Honkai Star rail, you need to enter the Photo Mode. This can be done by simply pressing the escape button and entering the in-game menu. Further, you must click on the ‘Camera’ button under the settings icon. Upon clicking that button, you will enter the Photo Mode. Wherein, you are given options like adjusting camera angles and zooming in and out. Moreover, you can also click on the camera rotating option at the bottom to change the perspective. This feature will allow you to take pictures of your surroundings in Honkai Star Rail.

Further, if you click on the small options button on the top-left, you can customize your photo even more. On the other hand, taking photos for quests is much easier. When in a quest, you will be given a capture button at the bottom. Whenever you are near your target objective, tap on that photo capture button. After that, simply bring the target object or person into the frame and click on the capture button.

If you are playing Honkai Star Rail on PC, then the captured photo will be saved in the following destination:

  • Installation Directory/Games/StarRail_Data/ScreenShots folder.

In case you are playing on an Android or iOS device, a separate folder for the game will be made in your Photo Gallery.

That is everything covered on how to Take Photos in Honkai Star Rail. Now that you are here, make sure to check out our HSR Codes article to get rewarded with some freebies in-game.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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