
What Does The Server Lifetime Message Mean In Lego Fortnite

Confused about the 'Server Lifetime' Message in Lego Fortnite? Check out here to know what this message exactly mean.

Lego Fortnite is one of the most fun games to play in recent times. It lets you showcase your creative skills and become the ultimate survivor of all. It has everything that can keep a player engaged for hours. And that is why, players have been playing this game for hours and hours straight. Those who have a longer session might have received a ‘Server Lifetime‘ message. This comes along with a countdown message that says – the server will reset in (displayed time).

If you are unsure about how long the Server Lifetime is in Lego Fortnite, then allow us to explain it to you. Here, we will mention everything you should know about this message and its effects in-game.

Lego Fortnite Server Lifetime Message Explained

The developers reset the Server after a countdown message that says “Server Lifetime.” That’s because the devs want to ensure that their players get a smoother gameplay with no server-related issues. As we know, the longer the session goes, the more overloaded and tensed server becomes.

Image Source: Ditech

For now, it seems that the server remains intact for almost 6 hours. I know that the Server Lifetime is somewhere close to this number as many of my friends have complained about this issue. What they didn’t know was that all of their progress in the reset-ed world was saved. So all of their crafting was safe and untouched.

So if you are kicked out of the Server after getting the Server Lifetime message in Lego Fortnite, then there’s nothing to worry about. Simply select your previous world and click on the Play button from the Main Menu to get started from where you left off.

That covers everything about this topic. For more such content, feel free to check out our dedicated section for Lego Fortnite Guides on Gamer Tweak. We have covered plenty of them for you.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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