Elden Ring

Elden Ring: Should You Give Seluvis Potion To Nepheli?

Here is what you can do with Seluvis's Potion in Elden Ring.

One of the hard choices in Elden Ring you can face is if you should give Seluvis Potion to Nepheli. This is part of a rather odd sub-quest that you can come across during Ranni’s questline. But while this quest is odd, when picked the right choice you can get one of the best summons in the game. So let us quickly check what to do with Seluvis’s Potion in Elden Ring.

Should You Give Seluvis’s Potion to Nepheli in Elden Ring?

Image Credit: Games from Mars on YouTube

You should not give Seluvis’s Potion to nepheli rather give it to Dung Eater. This is somewhat of an odd choice, but it will be fruitful later as it gives you the Dung Eater puppet. You can then summon this spirit to help you in some fights. Here is how the questline plays:

  1. When you begin with Ranni’s questline, she will ask you to talk to Blaidd, War Counselor Iji, and Preceptor Seluvis.
  2. You can talk to his ghost form in Ranni’s Rise he will then ask you to meet him at his tower.
  3. Go to Seluvis’s Rise and talk to Seluvis.
  4. He will then ask you to go and find Nepheli and make her drink the potion.
  5. Here you will receive the Seluvis’s Potion.
  6. Now there are three things that you can do from here:
  7. Give the potion to Nepheli Loux, Gideon Ofnir, or Dung Eater. Here are the consequences of all three choices. Also, Spoilers Ahead.
    • When you give the potion to Nepheli:
      • After giving the potion to Nepheli she will not respond and leave. But you can actually find her in Seluvis’s secret room. You will see that she has turned into a puppet.
    • Showing the potion to Gideon Ofnir:
      • When you show Gideon the potion he will offer you two choices to give him the potion or do as you please. If you choose to give him the potion he will dispose of it and will tell you to lie to Seluvis about giving her the potion. But if you choose to not hand it over then he will warn you about her turning into a puppet.
    • Giving potion to Dung Eater:
      • You can’t straight up go and give the potion to Dung Eater, you will first need to defeat him at the moat. After defeating him he will ask you to get him Seedbed Curses. So instead of giving him Seedbed Curses, you can give him Seluvis’s Potion. After giving him the potion you can get the Dung Eater Puppet summon from Seluvis in exchange for Starlight Shards.

That covers everything you need to know about Seluvis Potion in Elden Ring and whether should you give it to Nepheli. If you need more help on such questlines in this game then check out our Elden Ring guides.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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