
Ryujinx 60 FPS Mod: How It Works For All Games

Here is how you can get 60 FPS in any game while playing on the Ryujinx Emulator.

Ryujinx emulator is known for allowing you to play Switch games on your PC, but if you get the 60 FPS mod for your games, your experience becomes even better. But the catch is there is no single mod that can magically boost your FPS across all games. Rather you need to optimize different settings and use individual mods for each game. So here is a quick guide on how you can get and use such 60 FPS mods with this emulator.

Before checking out the below steps, it is important to know that this guide is only for educational purposes. Emulating games is legal but pirating them is not. Always extract the BIOS, keys, and games from your own Nintendo Switch and your own game copies. We DO NOT support piracy.

How to Use Ryujinx 60 FPS Mod for TOTK, Pokemon SV, & Other Games

  1. You first need to download the 60 FPS Mods or 60 FPS Hack file for the game of which you want to use the mod. Make sure you get it from a trusted source. Getting it from random sources may put your PC at risk of being infected by malware or other viruses.
  2. Your mod or hack file will mostly be a zip or a rar file.
  3. Extract the file to get the actual folder from it.
  4. Launch Ryujinx and right-click on your game.
  5. Click on Open Mods Directory.
  6. Paste the extracted 60 FPS mod folder here.
  7. Now, restart the emulator and run your game.

While playing you should now get 60 FPS in it.

Ryujinx 60 FPS Mod Not Working

In case you followed the above steps correctly, and are still not getting 60 FPS in your game, then there could be multiple reasons for it. Here is what you can do about it:

  • Check your game version: There is a good chance the 60 FPS mod hack that you are using is for a specific version of the game. So if any of the two are incompatible your game won’t give you 60 FPS.
  • Check your System config: Emulating games usually require you to have a fairly strong PC. This applies to both your graphics card and CPU on how recent & powerful it is. Older systems will have to wait for the emulator to get optimized before they can start playing the game at such high frames.
  • Update Ryujinx: Always update Ryujinx to its latest version. Updates help improve the emulator so this will ensure that the game runs smoothly. You might have the latest system but sometimes the emulator still might not work properly. So wait for patch fixes and update it whenever one is available.

That’s everything you need to do to get 60 FPS using mods in the Ryujinx emulator. Since you are into emulation, also check out our guide on how to play Pokemon Sword/Shield on PC.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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