
Anime Defenders: How To Get And Use Risky Dice

Using Risky Dice in Anime Defenders is all gamble but rewards heavily if the luck is in your favor. Learn how to get this item here.

Risky Dice in Anime Defenders is your one-shot opportunity at getting Units with better ranked Stat. For those who don’t know, each Unit (anime character) in this tower defense has different stats – Cooldown, Damage, and Range. Each of these stats has an associated rank that determines how strong the character will be. While some players are stuck with low-ranked Units, using Risky Dice can help them reroll and get a better Unit in exchange. So if you are willing to try your luck with a Risky Dice, here’s how you can get this item.

How to Get Risky Dice in Anime Defenders

There are a couple of ways through which you can get Risky Dice in Anime Defenders and they are mentioned below:

Complete Quests

You can complete Daily Quests and Weekly Quests for a chance to obtain a Risky Dice. Remember, it is not a participation reward but a completion reward. So you need to complete them from start to end with every task accomplished. Only then you will get a Risky Dice.

Trade from Another Player

Another way of possibly obtaining a Risky Dice in Anime Defenders is through trading. However, you need to be level 10+ in order to access this feature. Once you are in the trading area, you will need to find a seller who has a Risky Dice with them. This is a rather difficult task but a confirmed way of obtaining this item.

Purchase with Robux

Lastly, you can get a Risky Dice by purchasing it from the shop using Robux. Since this method uses real money, it should always be your last resort.

Now that you know how to get Risky Dice, let’s learn how to use it for rerolling.

How to Use Risky Dice in Anime Defenders

To use the Risky Rice, you must go to the “Rank Rerolls” area in Anime Defenders. You can find this spot in the Summons area. Now, you will be able to reroll all the stats in the hope of achieving a better rank than before. Don’t keep your hopes high as there’s always a chance that you will receive an even lower-ranked stat. But that’s how it works, like a gamble.

One more thing, if you want a particular stat to remain intact while the other ranks get rerolled, it is possible. All you will need is a Frost Bind. You can find a Frost Bind in the same way as you find a Risky Dice in Anime Defenders.

That’s how you get and use a Risky Dice in hopes to get better better-ranked Units. While speaking of Units, I think you will find out Anime Defenders Tier List useful as we have ranked all the Units in it. So be sure to check it out on our website.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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