Video Game Guides

All Exotic Fish Location In Recording Rarities Dredge

Here is how to get all the Exotic fish locations in Recording Rarities Dredge.

Want to know how to complete the Recording Rarities quest in Dredge? Then you are at the perfect place. There are a host of quests in Dredge from various NPC’s which give you a chance to claim some amazing rewards. The Recording Rarities from the Travelling Merchant on the Pontoon is one of those. However, many players are struggling with this quest as they need to find and catch four exotic fish! If you are in the same boat as well, then our complete walkthrough guide below will surely help you.

How to Complete the Recording Rarities Quest in Dredge

The Recording Rarities Quest in Dredge will require you to catch four exotic fish, they are:

  1. Oarfish
  2. Gulper Eel
  3. Goliath Tigerfish
  4. Coelacanth

Keep in mind that to catch these fish, you will need to unlock the Abyssal and Hadal fishing options. Moreover, you will also need explosives. So, make you have them before you proceed any further. This guide will show you the detailed location of each fish and how to catch them.

Where to Find Oarfish in Dredge

Finding the Oarfish is among the toughest as its location is well hidden. To catch it, you will have to make your way to the southwest side of Gale Cliffs. Once you’re here, you will see a waterfall. Go through the waterfall and you will find yourself inside a cave. Simply go towards the Disturbed water and use the Abyssal fish rod. After you catch the Oarfish, you can also towards the chest sitting atop a pile of rubble at the back of the cave for some loot.

Where to Find Gulper Eel in Recording Rarities Quest

The Gulper Eel can be found at the Stellar Basin of the Dredge map. The exact coordinates for this location are on the east side of F-4.  However, the Gulper Eel is quite elusive and it would be hard to spot it in the first go. Just approach the Disturbed Water in the area and look for a fish with a curved tail and a large open jaw. This is the Gulper Eel you are looking for. Do remember that you will need the Hadal fish rod to catch it.

Where to Find Goliath Tigerfish (Location)

To catch the Goliath Tigerfish in the Recording Rarities Quest, you will have to head to coordinates F-14 on Twisted Strand. Once you reach here, you will notice that your path is blocked by a fallen tree. Go ahead and use your explosives to destroy it. You will now be able to access this body of water surrounded by mangroves that is home to the Goliath Tigerfish. And don’t forget, you will also need a Mangrove fishing rod to catch it.

Where to Find Coelacanth in Dredge

Lastly, your Travelling Merchant’s Recording Rarities quest will need you to find the Coelacanth. You will need to head to the coordinates Q-12 of the Devil’s Spine as shown above to locate this fish. Similar to before, your route will be blocked by boulders and debris. Take them out of the way by using explosives. You will then spot the Coelacanth in the narrow pathway between the two mountains. Just use an Abyssal fishing rod to catch Coelacanth and end your fishing expedition.

Once you catch all four exotic fish, head back to the Pontoon and interact with the Travelling Merchant. As a reward for your troubles, you will receive eight Research Parts. And moreover, you won’t need to hand over the fish to the Merchant. All she wanted was to see that you have caught it. Since she won’t take it, you can sell the four fish at a minimum price of $250!

That’s everything you need to do to complete the Recording Rarities Quest in Dredge. We hope that you were able to get the location of all four fish. While you’re still here, check out more guides on the game by visiting our dedicated Dredge section on Gamer Tweak.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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