Horizon Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West PS4 Vs PS5 Comparison

Wondering how Horizon Forbidden West performs in PS4, PS4 Pro, and PS5? Keep reading this guide to find out.

Horizon Forbidden West is just around the corner and many people are wondering about the difference in performances in PS4, PS4 Pro, and PS5. And if you are planning to upgrade to PS5 this guide will help you whether it is worth the upgrade or if you should wait. So let us quickly check the performance comparison of PS4 vs PS4 Pro vs PS5 (Resolution mode) vs PS5 (Performance mode) for Horizon Forbidden West.

Horizon Forbidden West PS4 Vs PS5 Comparison

PS4 PS4 Pro PS5 (Resolution mode) PS5 (Performance mode)
Frames 30 30 30 60
Resolution 1080 4K 4K 4K
FXAA Yes Yes Yes Yes
TAA Yes Yes Yes Yes
Game Price $59.99 $59.99 $69.99 $69.99
  • PS5 (Performance mode): This is the mode you should play if you love 60 FPS and high frame rates. Oh, and the Performance mode also has 4K just like the Resolution mode. While the resolution mode of this game may give crispier graphics, this mode is best suited to enjoy the high action. Not to mention this mode can come extremely handy if you like to play on a higher difficulty. That is because you can focus on your gameplay and won’t have to worry about any frame drops. And this is a completely subjective opinion but I highly doubt you will notice the slightly lower graphics when you have that high FPS.
  • PS5 (Resolution mode): Want to enjoy the vast wild world the Horizon Forbidden West has to offer? If yes then this mode is for you. You can run the game on 4K in this mode. The game offers almost cutscene quality graphics throughout your gameplay. It does come at a cost and that cost is 30 FPS. But it is not like the game is unplayable, if anything that is the furthest from the truth, as the game is equally enjoyable in the Resolution mode as it is in the Performance mode. It is just a matter of choice, if you want more frames in 4K go for the Performance mode. If you want the most visually appealing graphics and 4K then the Resolution mode is for you.
  • PS4 Pro: Horizon Forbidden West plays quite interestingly in PS4 Pro. And what we mean by that is it too lets you play at 4K with high-quality graphics just like the Resolution mode in PS5. Although it doesn’t perform the same as its PS5 counterpart. The graphics are still much better in PS5 as compared to PS4 Pro. But that difference is minor and you may only notice it when running the game side by side for comparison.
  • PS4: The base version of PS4 gets the job done right. You get to play the game in 30FPS at 1080p. While it may not sound that appealing when compared to the above performances, it isn’t that bad either. But Horizon Forbidden West is better optimized and can feel better than when you play Zero Dawn. The secret behind its performance in both the PS4 systems despite their power lies in checkerboard rendering.

That covers this performance comparison for how Horizon Forbidden west performs in PS4, PS4 Pro, and PS5. Don’t forget to check other our guides on whether you can download Horizon Forbidden West on Steam. And for more things gaming tune into Gamer Tweak.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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