
PS4 Firmware 7.55 Available for Download Now

As of today, PS4 firmware 7.55 can be downloaded from the PlayStation Network. At the same time, server problems plague numerous players. Apparently there is a stable connection now.

PlayStation Network has been causing problems for players for a few hours. On the global networks, they complain that it is impossible for them to start games that require a server connection. Apparently there were problems checking licenses, so that many digital games cannot start as planned.

The error codes are often mentioned in this context:

  • CE-32899-1
  • NP-34957-8
  • NP-39226-2
  • CE-30035-1

The error message CE-30035-1 appears, for example, when trying to restore the licenses manually, which is hardly possible due to the faulty server connection.

Sony did not give reasons for the problems. The company also indicates on the official PSN status page that all services are running as usual.

The server problems in the PSN may have something to do with the PS4 firmware 7.55. This was published surprisingly today. If you are one of the affected players, it might help to download and install the latest software. The new PS4 firmware is apparently not yet offered automatically. So you can start the download manually:

  1. Click on the main menu for the settings.
  2. There you will discover the point “System Software Update”. After one-click, follow the instructions.
  3. After the download, you will start the actual installation.

The changelog for the PS4 firmware 7.55 is very straightforward. It just says that the new software patch improves the system software and performance.


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