Video Game Guides

Gotham Knights: How To Perform A Perfect Dodge & Attack

Here is how you can perform perfect attacks and dodges in Gotham Knights.

You should learn to do a perfect dodge and a perfect attack in Gotham Knights. It is an efficient way to finish your enemies and one that also gives you more materials from drops. The best thing is learning perfect dodges and attacks can take a little bit of practice but are quite easy to perform. So in this guide check out how to do Perfect attacks and dodges in Gotham Knights.

How to do a Perfect Dodge & Attack in Gotham Knights

You need to unlock the Perfect Evade skill in order to start doing Perfect attacks. Go to the Gear tab from the menu, and you can find it under Skills.  To perform a Perfect Dodge in Gotham Knights by dodging just before your enemy lands their melee attack. This will make your character dodge in a different manner. Now, do a melee attack right after it to do a Perfect Attack. Here is how you can do them both:

  • Perfect Dodge
    1. Find your opponents that do melee attacks. You cannot do perfect dodges to ranged attacks. So if you have many enemies eliminate the ones that do ranged attacks first.
    2. Next, when picking a fight let your enemy perform a strike. But don’t dodge immediately.
    3. Wait for their strike to turn spikey.
    4. Initially, it will have a white or red circle. Then when it is closer to landing it will have some spikes. Now dodge.
      • PC: Press the Space key.
      • PS5: Press the Circle button.
      • Xbox: Press the B button.
    5. You will see your character dodge slightly faster than usual.
  • Perfect Attack
    • As mentioned previously, you can only perform perfect attacks if you have done a perfect dodge. Melee attack immediately after it.
      • PC: Press the left-click on your mouse.
      • PS5: Press the X button.
      • Xbox: Press the A button.

Perfect dodges and attacks are an excellent way to finish your enemies quickly as they do more damage.

That covers this guide on how to do perfect dodges and perfect attacks in Gotham Knights. Also, check our other guides on how to invite a friend and craft melee weapons for this game.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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