Video Game Guides

The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos: How To Get All In

Here's a quick guide on how to obtain All In heavy weapon in The Outer Worlds: Murder On Eridanos.

The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos has added a bunch of new weapons to the title but what players are  most excited about is “All In.” It is a heavy weapon LMG that everyone wants to have in their inventory but getting All In in The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos is a bit complicated.

There are hundreds of fans who have been having difficultly getting this new weapon in The Outer World: Murder On Eridanos and if that’s you then look no further as we have a guide covering the same in the simplest way possible.

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How To Obtain All In Heavy Weapon In  The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos

Those who want to get All In The Outer Worlds: Murder On Eridanos will have to progress through the main story until they get a quest called, Lord of Blight. After obtaining this quest, players will need to head towards the Piraeus Spaceport. Once you get there, you will find a man named Sedrick Kincannon, who can give you enough information about Halcyon Helen. Apart from giving information, he will also offer you a quest to solve.

You will have to accept his quest at any cost because you would not be able to get inside of the SubLight Freight Storage & Processing building, where you will find All In. Once you get inside the building, make sure to go through the lobby door and head to the main area. There, you will find a man, who you need to speak to, to continue to quest.

Now, you have to keep moving in the right direction and then take a right turn again after moving around a bunch of crates and shipping containers. Now, keep moving until you get a Sprat of Unusual Size, which needs to be scanned through the Discrepancy Amplifier.

Once you are done scanning it, you will need to head back to the path, which you used to come in and then follow the path past some shelves to the end. Once you reach the said location, you will see a table which has a lot of things on it, including playing cards. To find All In, you will need to lean against the inside of the shipping container.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get All In The Outer Worlds:  Murder on Eridanos. While here, you may also like to read about where to find Master Bedroom keycard and where to find Kitchen keycard location in Outer Worlds.

Eddy Robert

Aside from my Passion for Games, I am also a Professional Guitarist at The Harp, UK. Now working as a Freelance News and Guides writer at GamerTweak. You can reach me at

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