
All Locations & Effects In Marvel Snap

Here's a list of all locations and their effects available in Marvel Snap.

As we all know in order to win the battles in Marvel Snap your Deck should be more powerful than the opponent’s one. To do this the player will need to keep upgrading their cards as soon as they get the chance. However, other than the cards, strategy and the locations also play a huge role in the game. That’s because even if your card is powerful the locations and their effects can change the game in seconds. So without any further ado let’s dive into the list of locations & their effects available in Marvel Snap.

List of Locations & Effects in Marvel Snap

Here’s a list of all the locations & their unique effects available in Marvel Snap. As of now, there are 70+ locations available in the game and many more are coming soon.

Locations Effects
Olympia Draw 2 cards
Onslaught’s Citadel Double ongoing effects
Oscorp Tower All cards here swap sides (After turn 3.)
Project Pegasus 5x Energy for this turn.
Ruins There are no effects for this location.
Sakaar Puts 1 card from the player’s hand.
Sanctum Sanctorum No cards can be played here.
Mojoworld Player with more card here gets 100x Power.
Mt. Wundagore Discards a card, as soon as you play a card here.
Monster Island Each player Adds a 9- Power Monster.
Monster Metropolis Card with the highest Power gets 3x Power.
Muir Island Gives 1x power here after each turn
Murderworld Destroys all card after turn 3.
Negative Zone Cards over here will have 3- Power.
New York Players can move cards to this location after turn 3.
Necrosha When a card gets discarded here, it returns to the player.
Nidavellir 5x Power for the cards.
K’un-Lun 2x Power for the cards.
Kamar-Taj 2x On Reveal effects on this location.
Klyntar 2- Power for the cards.
Knowhere No on Reveal effects.
Krakao Takes over and plays both players cards for them on turn 6
Kyln Players can’t play cards here after turn 4
Asgard Whoever is winning here draws 2 cards at turn 4.
Atlantis Player with 1 card gets 5x Power.
Avengers Compound All cards must be played after turn 5
Wakandan Embassy In hand card will get 2x Power.
Washington D.C. It gives 3x Power for the cards with no ability.
Weirdworld Players will be able to draw from opponents deck.
Westview Switches into new location after turn 4.
Worldship This destroys the other locations.
X-Mansion Each player will get a random card after turn 3.
Xandar Cards in this locations will get 1x power.
Strange Academy It moves all the cards to random location after the Turn 5.
Subterranea Shuffle 5 rocks to the deck.
The Big House 4, 5, 6-Cost cards are not playable here.
Bar With no Name Player with low Power wins the match.
Baxter Building Player winning this locations gets extra 3x power.
Central Park This location adds a squirril to other locations.
Savage Land This location adds 2 Raptor at both ends to the location.
Shadowland This adds a Ninja with 2- power.
Sinister London Copies a card to another location.
The Space Throne Allows onlys 1 card for both players.
The Superflow Players with no card gets 1x Energy.
The Triskelion Gives player random cards.
The Vault No cards can be played here after turn 6.
Tinkerer’s Workshop 1x energy after every turn.
Sokovia This location discards a  card for both players.
Stark Tower Gives all the cards 5x Power after turn 5.
Starlight Citadel Changes the location of cards after turn 3.
Titan 1- discount for 6- costing cards.
Transia Shuffles the location of cards.
Wakanda Cards here can’t be discarded
The Hub Gives a random card to the players.
The Ice Box Gives a card to both player with 1+ Cost.
The Nexus Power from here can be granted to some other location.

These were all the locations and their unique effects available in the game. For those who started playing games recently, here’s a quick overview. In every match player will come across a total of 3 locations, where the first one is revealed at the beginning. And the other 2 only get revealed after 2nd and 3rd round respectively. So in this case it’s better to get to know all the locations and strategize accordingly to control them in future. With that said this is all you need to know about the locations & effects in Marvel Snap. While you’re here take a look at what Featured Locations are in the game.

Suraj Nai

Before we begin, do you know the meaning of Suraj? It means the Sun and just like it, I will help you brighten your gaming experience by providing tips and tricks for your favorite games. I also enjoy playing Valorant, & RPGs.

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