Video Game Guides

Location of All Rest N Go Keycard Locations in Outer Worlds

All three locations of est N Go Keycard Locations in Outer Worlds, learn how you can find all the keycards and grab some new items in the game.

There are all sorts of hidden mysterious and secret ways in Outer Worlds for players to discover and as such this keeps the players entertained and invested in the game. One such thing is the Rest N Go and this guide will show you the locations of all the three keycards of Rest N Go in Outer Worlds.

Location of All Rest N Go Keycard Locations in Outer Worlds

As mentioned above, there are in total three Rest N Go keycards for you to find in Outer Worlds. Getting these keycards will help you get some invaluable rewards.

1st Rest N Go Keycard

The first keycard can be found near the entrance of the Groundbreaker, you will have to go beyond the security office just before you get to the promenade.

You will need to enter the docking back and go through customs, then as you go by the security office, there is a doorway you will find to your left which leads towards a large room.

Enter that room and on the right side you will find another door which will lead towards a living quarter, you will need to go towards the back of the room and find a small cabinet there. Make sure that no one is seeing you and get the keycard.

2nd Rest N Go Keycard

The second keycard is with the clerk of the Rest N Go and there are two ways of getting it.

The first method involves stealing it from him and for that, you will need to have at least 40 stealth skills to steal it away from him, the second method involves killing him.

In case you opt for the second method, make sure that there is no one watching you.

3rd Rest N Go Keycard

You will need to go to Spencer’s Shop in the promenade and find the clerk wearing the crazy MoonMan helmet. You will then need to go the back of to the shop and pick the lock which will lead you to the back room.

On a shelf, you should be able to see another MoonMan helmet and there should be a crate to the right side. You will find the keycard under the crate, once you have all the three keycards all you have to do is go to Rest N Go and open the safes. You will get some nice Bits, weapons, mods, consumables, and more.

This is all there is to know about the locations of the Rest N Go keycards in Outer Worlds.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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