Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Modern Warfare 2: Best Kastov-545 Loadout

Here is a guide on the best Kastov-545 loadout in Modern Warfare 2

The latest iteration of the COD franchise is here and it gives you a range of weapons to choose from. Modern Warfare 2 has LMGs, SMGs, Assault Rifles, and much more weapons you can use and upgrade according to your playstyle. If you are a fan of the Kastov family of weapons then there is one weapon that you should definitely upgrade. No, we are not talking about the Kastov-762, although it’s a good choice. We are talking about its sleeker and mobile version, the Kastov-545. This gun can wreak havoc among your enemy ranks in close-quarter fights. In this article, we will tell you which is the best Kastov-545 loadout for Modern Warfare 2 thanks to Hero on Youtube.

Best Kastov-545 Loadout in COD Modern Warfare 2

You can easily unlock this weapon by reaching Kastov-762 level 10. But for the attachments, you will have to do some grinding. That being said, here’s the best Kastov-545 Loadout in MW2:

  • Muzzle: Echoline GS-X
  • Barrel: 342MM Sakin KL
  • Underbarrel: FSS Sharkfin 90
  • Stock: Kastov-Rama
  • Grip: Ivanov ST-70 Grip

We used the Echoline GS-X suppressor for its superior sound-suppressing ability and its recoil smoothness to make this gun more accurate. For the barrel, we went with the 342MM Sakin KL for the extra movement speed and ADS speed so you can be more mobile. Our underbarrel will be the FSS Sharkfin 90 for Aiming Idle Stability making it easier to use at long range. For stock, we’re using the Kastov-Rama for its Aim Walking Speed and Sprint Speed. And lastly, for the grip, we are using the Ivanov ST-70 Grip for its Flinch Resistance to help you win more gun fights.

As you may have noticed, we’ve focused more on mobility than firepower. The gun can be used as an SMG and AR hybrid. The Kastov-545 can thrive on small and close-range maps with this class. This is according to what we felt was the best way to use this gun, but you can customize it according to your own playstyle.

Best Secondary Weapon

For our secondary weapon, we’ve used the trusty P890 Pistol. You can easily switch between these two weapons to gain an edge over your enemies.

Best Perks and Equipment for Kastov-545

  • Tactical: Stim
  • Lethal: Drill Charge
  • Perk Package: Scavenger, Tracker, Fast Hands, and Ghost
  • Field Upgrade: Dead Silence

That’s all from us on the Best Kastov-545 Loadout in Modern Warfare 2. We have more useful loadout guides for guns like the Lachmann-556 and the PDSW 528 so check them out soon.

Paarth Wadke

Paarth is a huge fan of gaming. You will often find him playing games or watching gaming streamers. Can watch gameplays for hours under the pretense of 'Research'.

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