
Ice Machine Locations Fortnite

Is Big Mouth's Ice Machine search going well for you? If not, here's a guide to pinpoint some locations to help you out.

Ice Machine locations in Fortnite are among a set of new challenges in Fortnite that appears in season 8. In this guide we’ll walk through how you can find Ice Machines easily in Fortnite and point out their respective locations over each spot.

Ice Machine Locations in Fortnite

The locations for Ice Machines are spread out over Catty Corner, Weeping Woods, Misty Meadows, Holly Hedges, Believer beach, and Sludgy Swamp across more than 20 different spots. Locating these are part of a Big Mouth’s punch card set of quests. Here are some locations for these Ice Machine spots in Fortnite.

Holly Hedges

Holly Hedges is the location that has a solitary Ice Machine located in its western region, outside an eatery at the Gas station. This is a very easy spot to locate and is directly opposite the gas pumps.

Sludgy Swamp

Sludgy Swamp is another location that hosts a single Ice Machine. Simply head to the northern part of Sludgy Swamp and locate the gas station. You can spot the Ice machine here pretty easily.

Weeping Woods

Weeping Woods is a pretty delightful location for Ice machines in Fortnite. You can find a total of 3 of them here by trekking towards the North and entering the main building. All 3 of these Ice machines sit side by side and are pretty easy to locate.

Misty Meadows

We now arrive at the location where Ice Machines are more generously placed. You can scrutinize the Southern house paths near the tower to find at least 4 Ice Machines in the vicinity. Moreover, if you head a bit westwards, you can additionally discover 2 more Ice Machines, touching the outskirts of the Misty Meadows.

Believer Beach

We’ve saved the best for last. Believer Beach houses the most Ice Machines on Fortnite’s map. With a total of 6 discoverable spots, it’s easier to locate one than miss out on seeing it. You can find one sitting on the beach near the docks, and another in the beach house near the pier.
Head to the swimming pool and you’ll find atleast 4 more Ice machines in and around that spot with more in the houses.

Tips and Tricks to Locate Ice Machines in Fortnite

Here are some easy-to-remember tips and tricks to keep in mind while searching for Ice Machines on Fortnite.

  • Firstly, remember your task is to “Search” for Ice machines and not to leave them if there’s no loot.
  • Always look for gas stations and eater boards since these are ideal map locations for Ice Machines to pop up.
  • Try to locate a whizzing fridge-like sound. This indicates that an Ice Machine is nearby.

That’s all there is to know about Ice Machine locations in Fortnite. We hope this guide was of assistance to you. If you need more help, assistance or simply wish to know more in-game, you can head to our Fortnite section in GamerTweak and browse through the guides, tips and tricks, and other Fortnite content specially crafted to your liking.

Jude Lobo

Hi, I'm Jude. I like playing games and soccer. That's probably why I like writing about them. No, I'm not the Jude from that Beatle's Song.

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