
How To Fix The Car In A Dusty Trip

Want to repair a Car in A Dusty Trip? Here's how you can do it.

Let me guess, you have just started playing A Dusty Trip and want to repair that car in front of your house. As you can already see, that car is completely scrapped. So to repair it, you will have to attach or assemble all the car parts. Only then, you will be able to drive it through the desert for exploration. Understanding this initial stage is extremely crucial for a new player. And that is why, we will explain how to repair the car in A Dusty Trip.

How to Repair the Scrapped Car in A Dusty Trip

To fix that car, you will have to do the following things in A Dusty Trip:

  • Place 4 Wheels
  • Place an Engine
  • Place a Radiator
  • Place 4 Doors
  • Fuel the Car

First of all, you must find 4 Wheels so you can add them to the car. You can find 3 Wheels inside the garage and 1 on the right side of the house. To place it, you must grab it and get close to the car. You will then get an option to place the Wheels.

2 Car Doors in the Basement. Screenshot by Gamer Tweak

Similar to this, you can find 2 car doors in the garage and 2 of them in the basement. You can use the door to get to the basement.

Engine and Radiator Location. Screenshot by Gamer Tweak

Now, you can pick up the Engine and Radiator from the table inside the garage. Both of these parts are placed on the front side of the car, under the hood. Once all of these materials are placed successfully, grab the Red Jerry Can from inside the garage. It contains the resources that you need for fueling the car.

Now that you have repaired the car in A Dusty Trip, enter and pull down the Handbrakes. Only then you can press the “R” key to rev the Engine and start the car. While driving, you will often find yourself in a situation where your car won’t start. If that happens, check out our guide to fix the problem.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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