Video Game Guides

How to Get Spacer Gear in The Outer Worlds

Tips to find space gears in the Outer Worlds, learn how to exact locations to get armor sets and upgrade your character style.

Outer Worlds is full of quests and side missions that will keep you invested in the game for hours on end. One such side quest Makes Space Suits, Won’t Travel requires you to get Spacer Armor and this guide will show you how to get Spacer Armor in Outer Worlds.

How to Get Spacer Gear in The Outer Worlds

In this quest, you have to find in total three different armor sets for Celeste, an NPC who will make you post in those armors. For this, you will need to find raw materials and these can be a bit difficult to come by.

These materials are found in Marauder, Iconoclast, and Spacer gear which means that you will certainly be going out on a hunt of sorts.

The best part about this quest is the fact that any armor you find belonging to the faction will work so you don’t have to find something specific.

Iconoclast Outfit

If you wish to get your hands on the Iconoclast Outfit you will need to visit Marauder, you can get these at basically any vendor or you can find vendors outside Amber Heights and Fallbrook.

Marauder Outfit

All you have to do is take down a couple of Marauders and you’ll get your hands on at least one armor from them. They’re easily found and you’ll run into them in no time.

Spacer Gear

For this, you will have to travel to Groundbreaker and speak to Spratwurst Vendor and check his inventory. If you aren’t able to find it there try another one. Vendors at Groundbreaker tend to keep Spacer Gear so that you don’t have to get in huge fights.

Return these and Celeste will ask you to get Primal Leather, Raptidon Flank, Mantiqueen Chitin which can be found by killing the specific creature or you can simply buy them from a vendor at Stellar Bay on Monarch.

He goes by the name of Sebastian Adams and he can be found on the back door of Sanjar’s office.

This is all there is to know about where to find Spacer Gear and how to complete the Makes Space Suits, Won’t Travel side quest in The Outer Worlds.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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