
Best & Fastest Way To Craft A Lodestone In Minecraft

Having troubles with crafting a Lodestone? Check out this simple trick and a craft one immediately

The Lodestone in Minecraft is one of the many blocks that you will encounter in the game. This Lodestone is helpful to make a special compass that you can use in all of the different dimensions. If you’re confused about how to craft a Lodestone in Minecraft, make sure to check this entire guide.

How To Craft A Lodestone In Minecraft

To craft a lodestone in Minecraft, all you need is 8 chiseled stone bricks and one netherite ingot. You will need to place the Netherite Ingot in the middle of the 3×3 square and the pieces of chiseled stone bricks around it, doing this will get you one Lodestone in the game.

While getting the Lodestone isn’t as straightforward because, you will need to craft the above-mentioned items yourselves if you do not have them, doing so is easy and to craft Chiseled Stone Bricks in Minecraft, you’re going to need two stone bricks slabs and place them as shown in the image below.

Getting the stone brick slab is easy, as crafting it requires basic items. You will need to collect 4 stone blocks. If you cannot find any stone blocks, use the furnace and melt the cobblestone to create stone blocks, once you have 4 of them, you can create a stone brick slab. Keep the stone blocks as shown in the image below to craft stone brick slabs.

To get the chiseled Stone Bricks, you will have to craft them. It is a simple process and all you have to do is place the stone bricks as shown in the image below.

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Now, moving on to Netherite ingots you will need to 4 gold ingots and 4 netherite scaps. Both of these materials can be found underground. Once you find gold ore, you can simply melt it down in a furnace. For the netherite scaps, you will have to search for ancient debris and melting it down in a furnace as well.

Creating a Netherite ingot is pretty straightforward, all you have to do is place the netherite scraps and gold as shown in the image below and you will be able to craft a netherite ingot. Now, use this netherite ingot along with the 8 chiseled stone bricks and you will be able to craft a Lodestone in Minecraft.

How To Use A Lodestone In Minecraft

Lodestone is necessary in Minecraft to create a lodestone compass, once you have a lodestone, place it on the ground and then take your compass and place it in the hot bar where you can quickly interact with it. Walk up to the lodestone and then use the interaction key and click on it to create a lodestone compass.

Now, you will be able to this brand new lodestone compass to come back whenever you’re lost in the Nether. Keep the lodestone near to your portal, this will allow you to easily find your way back.

This is all there is to know about how to craft a lodestone and its uses in Minecraft. You should also check out how to immediately craft a hopper in Minecraft right here on Gamer Tweak.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at contactus@gamertweak.com

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