Story Of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Story Of Seasons A Wonderful Life Heart Events Guide

Read this Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life guide to learn how to get heart events for singles.

There are so many heartthrob characters that you can marry in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life by triggering heart events. But since personalities, likes, and dislikes vary with each bachelor and Bachelorette, trying to impress all with the same choices wouldn’t work in your favor. Understanding this character mechanism, we have put together this list of likes and dislikes for all marriage candidates. You can use this to learn what heart events are and how to get them in SoS AWL.

How to Complete Heart Events for Bachelor and Bachelorette in SoS A Wonderful Life

Heart events occur when you have reached a certain level of affection with the characters. And these affection points are only available for unmarried characters of the game. There are a total of eight marriage candidates in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life: four male and four female characters. The bachelors are Matthew, Gustafa, Gordy, and Rock and the bachelorettes are Cecilia, Nami, Lumina, and Molly.

How to Increase Affection (Bachelors and Bachelorettes)

The best way to raise affection and trigger heart events in SoS AWL is through understanding their likes and dislikes and making choices based on them. For example, Cecilia, who is a gentle and nature-loving girl, prefers to receive things like vegetables, animal products, and flowers but dislikes fossils. To make your work easier, we have made a list of things they like and dislike.

Bachelors and Bachelorettes Likes and Dislikes

  • Matthew: Likes candy, high-grade crops & animal products. He dislikes fossils and toys.
  • Gordy: Prefers vegetables, cake, and flowers and dislikes seafood.
  • Gustafa: Gustafa is fond of curry, flowers, and vegetables and hates fish & mushrooms.
  • Rock: Likes fossils, toy flowers, milk products, and gold coins. And he dislikes veggies & silver coins.
  • Nami: She likes fossils, vegetables, and clay figures, give her those to trigger Heart events faster in SoS AWL. And she is not a fan of cute stuff.
  • Molly: She prefers flowers, gold coins, and curry and dislikes fossils.
  • Cecilia: Cecilia is fond of flowers, vegetables & crystals. And she dislikes fossils.
  • Lumina: She likes clay figures, flowers, and Mushrooms. And Lumina dislikes fossils.

Once you have learned about the likes and dislikes of Bachelor and Bachelorette, you can now make choices based on it to trigger heart events in the Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life. If this guide helped you, you should check out our massive list of SoS AWL guides.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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