
How To Hatch Pinata Eggs In Pet Simulator X

Pet Simulator X has a new batch of Pinata eggs for you to Hatch. Check out how you can find them to get pets like Sombrero Chihuahua, Cat, and more.

The new ¡Cinco de Mayo! event is here. These events make the game even better because they add things like new eggs, pets, and more. And many Pet Simulator X players are looking to Hatch the new Pinata Eggs. But first, you need to get them for it. So here is a quick guide on where to find them easily.

How to Hatch Pinata Eggs in Pet Simulator X

Simply break the Pinatas and once you get an egg from one of them it will automatically hatch, you can even tap repeatedly on it. This will show you the pet that you got. Currently, you can unlock the following pets in the game.

  • Huge Pinata Cat
  • Sombrero Cat
  • Sombrero Chihuahua
  • Pinata Dog
  • Pinata Cat

How to Get Pinata Eggs in Pet Simulator X

You need to destroy Pinatas that can be found throughout the map to get these eggs in this game. This is not only an interesting way to get them but is even better for most players. Because you don’t have to worry about having to complete special quests or having to buy them using Robux.

Any player that plays during this event, that is when these Pinatas are available in the game, will have a chance at getting these eggs. Do remember even though you may get an egg, not every Pinata will guarantee you a drop.

Tips to Get Eggs Faster

The best way to get these eggs quickly is by breaking all the Pinatas in an area and restarting the game. As you keep playing the game spawns new Pinatas from time to time. Simply break all the Pinatas in an area and then close the game. Once you are back there is a chance you may join another server, or if you are in back in the same server, these must have respawned. Aside from this, there are a few more tricks you can do:

  • Keep moving: Pinatas spawn randomly in different areas of the game. So rather than staying in the same area and waiting for one to spawn you can go to another place and find them.
  • Try zooming out: There is a chance you might miss out on some Pinatas in the area where you at. Zooming out increases your visibility and allows you to find them better.

With this, you should have no trouble in finding and hatching these Pinata eggs. Since you like Pet Simulator X you should also check out the Codes for it and for more guides find out how to unlock hardcore mode, earn points, & worth of M-10 Prototype.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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