Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Groudon’s Location In Pokemon Indigo Disk

Check out this guide to know where to find Groudon in Pokemon Indigo Disk.

Even with the likes of Rayquaza and Kyogre, Groudon has to be one of the most iconic and coolest looking Gen 3 legendaries. And players and fans would be excited to know that the ground-type legendary Pokemon is available for players to catch in the latest Indigo Disk DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. However, there are some conditions that you will have to keep in mind in the game.

Unlike other games, you will not find the super ancient Pokemon just roaming around the Blueberry Academy. Groudon’s location in Pokemon SV Indigo Disk is hidden when you go through the main campaign but you will know where to find it in the endgame. So if you are looking to have one of the legendary Pokemon from the weather trio, then here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Find Groudon in Pokemon SV Indigo Disk

Image Source: MonkeyKingHero on YouTube

Groudon is located inside the Alfornada Cavern west of Alfornada in Pokemon SV Indigo Disk. The super ancient Pokemon will be easier to spot inside the cavern because of its bright red color. However, there are some prerequisites that you will have to go through in order to catch it. In Pokemon SV Indigo Disk, to catch any legendary Pokemon, you will have to complete the campaign of the main game as well as the DLC.

Once you complete the campaign, you will come across an NPC named Snacksworth at the entrance of the Blueberry Academy once the credits roll out. You will have to interact with him and he will let you know about himself and all the legendary Pokemon snacks. Players will then have to complete blueberry quests for which Snacksworth will hand over some specific legendary treats used to summon Pokemon in Paldea.

For players with Pokemon Scarlet, it’s pretty straightforward, as you will need to complete 10 Blueberry Solo quests to get the Groudon Treat. However, if you have Pokemon Violet, you will need to complete a group quest to get the treat. Even after completing the quests, Snacksworth hands over treats randomly in the game. You will have to complete the quests till you get the Groudon Treat to spawn the Pokemon in the Indigo Disk.

Once you do obtain the treat, you can head towards Alfornada more specifically towards the west part of the town just near the gym. You will come across the Alfornada Cavern in the game. Simply, head inside with the Groudon Treat and the Pokemon will be there waiting for you to catch it.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide interesting, check out our other guides on the Pokemon SV section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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