Elden Ring

Where To Find & Defeat Great Wyrm Theodorix In Elden Ring

Here's how you can find and defeat the Great Wyrm Theodorix in Elden Ring.

Are you looking to find and beat the Great Wyrm Theodorix in Elden Ring? Then you have just arrived at the right place as this guide has everything you need. Great Wyrm Theodorix is not a part of the main storyline and serves as an optional boss. However, defeating it rewards the players with precious rewards. Although, this dragon-type boss is not readily available to fight as it needs to be found. Here’s everything you should know about Great Wyrm Theodorix’s location along with some tips & tricks to defeat it.

Great Wyrm Theodorix Location in Elden Ring

Image Source – Elden Ring Fextralife

To find Great Wyrm Theodorix in Elden Ring, you need to teleport to the Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace. Further, use the frozen river to travel to the east and eventually, you will run into Great Wyrm Theodorix. Alternately, players can also access the Cave of the Forlorn Site of Grace as it is closest to the boss. However, the entrance to the cave is locked and it can only be opened with two Stonesword Keys.

How to Defeat the Great Wyrm Theodorix

While heading toward the Great Wyrm Theodorix, you will come across several other creatures. So, you can tempt them to follow you to where this boss exists. Luckily, those creatures will cause some additional damage to the Great Wyrm Theodorix in Elden Ring.

Image Source – FP Good Game (YouTube)

Moreover, you can also make your way up on the ledge right behind the resting spot of our boss enemy. From there, you can easily shoot it and deal damage without getting attacked even once. In addition, on that ledge, you will also receive an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

That is pretty much everything you can do to find and defeat the Great Wyrm Theodorix in Elden Ring. While you are here, make sure to check out our other Elden Ring Guides on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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