Press Release

Godzilla And Kong Roar Into Call Of Duty: Vanguard And Warzone In Season 3: Classified Arms

Learn about prototype weaponry, updated Points of Interest on Caldera, S.O.T.F Harpy, and Operation Monarch

A New Season Declassified — Prepare to Wield Classified Arms

On Caldera, Captain Butcher calls upon three more Operators — S.O.T.F. 008 — to investigate the true impact of previous enemy attacks. After reclaiming the island through tactical, yet somewhat flashy force, these elite Allied soldiers are rewarded with treasure troves of secret prototype weapons.

But these prototypes on the island, let alone their existence, raise a massive question: what kind of threats are these powerful weapons supposed to combat?

Their answer comes from an abandoned radio, which picks up several signals and primal roars unlike that of any known creature

A top-secret armoury is open for all Operators during Classified Arms, the third season of Call of Duty: Warzone and Vanguard, launching on April 27. And they will need all the power they can get their hands on to combat Godzilla and Kong, laying siege to Caldera later in the season with the limited-time event, Operation Monarch.

This new monstrous season of content will be available following updates to both games: one for Vanguard on April 27 and one for Warzone on April 28.


Uncover Ancient Secrets, Loadout Items at Dig Site. Get your hands dirty at this new Monarch Point of Interest between the Ruins and Mines to find Supply Boxes and clues of enemies to come.

New Point of Interest: Dig Site

New Offshore Gulag. Escape the Hold, Caldera’s new Gulag. Built by Toys for Bob, this three-lane arena welcomes all combatants to intense duels before redeployment.

New Gulag: Hold

Prepare for Operation Monarch. Ancient cave paintings, massive skulls, and an otherworldly axe are just some of the odd sightings around Caldera get hyped for Operation Monarch, a special limited-time event featuring the iconic Titans of the Monsterverse, Godzilla and Kong. Along with bringing two of the largest stars in movie history to Call of Duty, Operation Monarch will introduce a new game mode for Quads based on several classic experiences with a titan-sized twist.


Powerful Marksman Rifle and Fast-Firing Assault Rifle Lead New Prototypical Armaments. The M1916 and Nikita AVT, previously classified for even the most elite Operators, will soon be a part of your arsenal. Also: get your hands on a new SMG and Sledgehammer Games’ favourite melee weapon later this season.

M1916: Marksman Rifle

Nikita AVT: Assault Rifle

S.O.T.F. 008 Descends on Caldera. Mateo Hernandez, Florence Carter, and Kim Tae Young make up this new task force. Learn about Captain Butcher’s latest recruits and what they bring to battle during this season.

Mateo Hernandez: Sniper. Tail gunner. A hero for his community.

Florence Carter: the unparalleled ace pilot

Kim Tae Young: this unknown vigilante is known for her fighting spirit much like the fabled Dokkaebi, a mythical creature whose face is sculpted into her facial protection


Mayhem Map, Trophy System Coming at Launch. Tower over your opponents and a mock city in a new small-sized map, using the Trophy System to defend your squad from incoming projectiles.

Mayhem is a 1950s movie set built for fast-paced combat

A New Ranked Season Begins. Begin a new ascent to the Top 250 as you earn new Weapon Blueprints, Camos, Charms, and more in Ranked Play.

Earn two new fully configured Weapon Blueprints — one SMG and one Assault Rifle

The Road Ahead for Vanguard Zombies. In addition to 20 new Season Challenges and the introduction of fresh Battle Pass weaponry, Treyarch has shared its plans for the future of Vanguard Zombies.

Zombies Update — The Road Beyond Classified Arms
