Sons of the Forest

How To Get Winter Jacket To Keep Warm In Sons Of The Forest

Here's your guide to keep warm in the cold harsh weather during the winters in Sons of the Forest.

Are you wondering how to Keep Warm in the harsh cold weathers during the winters in Sons of the Forest? Then this guide is all you will need. The Forest already poses as a huge threat to your survival and having winters shiver you to death wouldn’t be a favorable way to go down. Fortunately, you can get Winter Jacket in Sons of the Forest that will help you through the weather. Once you manage to get it, your only trouble are the enemies lying deep in the forest. So if you are interested in getting the Winter Coat and keeping your body warm, we recommend you keep reading below.

How to Get Winter Jacket in Sons of the Forest

The location of the Winter Jacket is near a corpse within the tents at a campsite near the waterfall in Sons of the Forest. The map above will help you come close to the location. The Winter Jacket is the best way to stay warm while you explore different regions. Once the winter sets in the Forest, you will have to provide warmth to your body so you don’t have to worry about dying. Fortunately, you can get the jacket quite easily so we recommend you check out the steps below:

  • Once you start your journey from the base, head to the lake at the base of the mountains using your GPS.
  • Now you will be able spot a campsite near the waterfall on the lake.
  • While there is a large amount of loot that you can get from both tents, you need to search the one with the corpse.
  • You will find the Winter Coat next to the corpse and simply retrieve it using E when the prompt appears in Sons of the Forest.

That’s all there is on how to get Winter Jacket to keep warm in Sons of the Forest. While you are here, make sure you check out our other Sons of the Forest guides right here at Gamer Tweak.

Shreyansh Shah

The 'Into-resting' kind of guy, Shreyansh loves scoring goals in FIFA and dying in the boss fights of Sekiro. Also, hacking and slashing zombies is his second favorite pass time after Call of Duty. The galaxies far far away is where Shreyansh spends his weekends if he is not racing on different circuits.

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