Video Game Guides

How To Make Hatsune Miku In Infinite Craft

Want to get your favorite Vocaloid character Hatsune Miku in Infinite Craft? Well, here is the recipe that not only gets you her but also some interesting combinations to try with her.

If you have been into Japanese music or J-pop there is a good chance you must have heard of Vocaloid. It is just not a sound synthesizer software but also has its own culture around it. As such talking of Vocaloid and not mentioning Hatsune Miku feels incomplete. Luckily you can make them both in Infinite Craft and here are the combinations that you should use!

How to Create Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid in Infinite Craft

Screenshot: Gamer Tweak. Mix Vocaloid with Music to unlock Hatsune Miku in Infinite Craft.

Hatsune Miku can be obtained by mixing Vocaloid with Music. Below are all the steps to make her from scratch:

  1. Water + Water = Lake
  2. Lake + Water = Ocean
  3. Ocean + Water = Fish
  4. Ocean + Earth = Island
  5. Island + Island = Continent
  6. Earth + Earth = Mountain
  7. Continent + Mountain = Asia
  8. Asia + Island = Japan
  9. Japan + Fish = Sushi
  10. Earth + Water = Plant
  11. Water + Wind = Wave
  12. Plant + Wave = Seaweed
  13. Sushi + Seaweed = Roll
  14. Fire + Fire = Volcano
  15. Volcano + Fire = Lava
  16. Lava + Water = Stone
  17. Stone + Mountain = Rock
  18. Rock + Roll = Music
  19. Water + Fire = Steam
  20. Steam + Wind = Cloud
  21. Cloud + Fire = Lightning
  22. Lightning + Music = Electric Guitar
  23. Electric Guitar + Japan = J-Pop
  24. J-Pop + Rock = J-Rock
  25. Earth + Wind = Dust
  26. Dust + Earth = Planet
  27. Planet + Fire = Sun
  28. Sun + Fire = Solar
  29. Solar + Planet = System
  30. System + Lightning = Computer
  31. Computer + System = Software
  32. Software + J-Pop = Vocaloid
  33. Vocaloid + Music = Hatsune Miku

Best Recipes to use with Hatsune Miku

  • Hatsune Miku + Vocaloid = Song
  • Hatsune Miku + Visual Novel = Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
  • Hatsune Miku + Zeus = Hatsune Zeus
  • Hatsune Miku + Lake = Mermaid
  • Hatsune Miku + Tea = Tea Miku
  • Hatsune Miku + Fire = Fireworks
  • Hatsune Miku + Earth = Miku
  • Hatsune Miku + Hawaii = Miku Luka
  • Hatsune Miku + House = Miku House
  • Hatsune Miku + Bullet Train = Shinkansen

That is all for how you can get Vocaloid and Hatsune Miku in Infinite Craft. While you are here don’t forget to also check our other guides for this game on how to make Final Fantasy, Jesus, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and Manga.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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