
How To Get Nuggets In Forspoken

Check out where to look for Nuggets in Forspoken.

Nuggets are an important resource necessary for survival in Forspoken so players are looking for ways to get them. In this action-adventure RPG, you will be transported from New York to the mystical lands of Athia. Once beautiful, this world is infected with a plight called the Break. Due to this, the humans and creatures of Athia turned into monsters and it’s up to you to save the survivors. As you travel across this world, you will face formidable enemies and dangerous monsters. To survive against them, you will need Healing Draughts. This guide will tell you how to get the material needed to increase the amount of healing draught you can hold.

How to Get Nuggets in Forspoken

As you fight strong enemies, you will need Healing Draughts to restore your health. However, with the number of enemies in this game, you will often find yourself running out of these draughts. Luckily, you can increase the size of your medicine pouch to accommodate more of them. To do so, you will require the Nuggets.

In Forspoken, players can get Nuggets by opening Treasure Chests across Athia. Open your map and look for purple dots after surveying the area. These are the locations of Treasure Chests hidden across the map. Then, Use your Parkour abilities to search every nook and cranny for these chests. You can also find it by completing optional Point of Interest missions and Detours (Side Quests) around the city of Cipal. This is the only city safe from the Break so all the refugees have gathered there. As you interact with them, they will send you on side quests for rewards. Moreover, you’ll also unlock the Work Bench after visiting the Pilgrim’s Refuges. Here, you can use your Nuggets to increase the capacity of your medicine pouch.

That’s all from us on how to get Nuggets in Forspoken. For more helpful guides like How to Get Shore Violet, make sure you visit our Forspoken section.

Paarth Wadke

Paarth is a huge fan of gaming. You will often find him playing games or watching gaming streamers. Can watch gameplays for hours under the pretense of 'Research'.

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