Elden Ring

Elden Ring: How To Get Mushroom Armor Set & Locations

Here is where you can find the Mushroom Armor Set in Elden Ring.

You should get yourself the Mushroom Armor in Elden Ring if you plan on exploring. Many of the areas of this game are filled with pools of poison and ones that deal scarlet rot. Thus it can heavily hinder your exploration or getting to places. And that is where this armor set comes in. It may not be a set that gives you great defense against physical or magic attacks. But using it can grant you around 243 to 245 immunity. So in this guide let us check the locations where you can find the Mushroom Armor Set in Elden Ring.

How to Get Mushroom Armor Set in Elden Ring

You can get the Mushroom Armor Set in the cavern with the Giant Poison Flower inside Seethewater Cave. Uniquely enough this is an armor in the game that has alternate head options. So if you don’t like the Mushroom Head you can replace it with the Mushroom Crown. The Mushroom Crown headpiece can be found on a corpse in the south-eastern corner of Lake of Rot. Here is how you can get both of them. Be sure to also carry with you a Stonesword Key, you will need it for getting the armor set.

Mushroom Armor Set Location

  1. Fast travel to the Seethewater River site of grace.
  2. From the site, start going north.
  3. You are going in the right direction if you come across erupting ground.
  4. Next, you will see some corpse-like enemies in front of you, go east from here towards the white foggy cave.
  5. The entrance is guarded by an enemy, eliminate them.
  6. Next, use the Stonesword key on the Imp Statue Seal.
  7. Head inside the cave and you will reach Seethewater Cave site of grace.
  8. Rest here as the area ahead is filled with poison. There is a good chance you will need to fast travel here multiple times.
  9. Head north from the site and jump down.
  10. Next, go west.
  11. Now, jump down two more times. You should reach the area filled with a pool of poison.
  12. Head north then once in the open go southwest.
  13. You should see mushroom enemies, you can fight or just run past them.
  14. Reach down and you will get to a dry cave filled with rats.
  15. Keep running straight then go east.
  16. You will again find more mushroom enemies and will eventually find the room with the Giant Poison Flower.
  17. The Mushroom Armor Set is just beside it.

Mushroom Crown Location

  1. Fast travel to the Lake of Rot Shoreside site of grace.
  2. Next, go south, you have to keep going even in the scarlet lake.
  3. You will reach the area where there are platforms and can see a structure in front of you.
  4. Keep going southeast.
  5. You can wait on the platforms to reduce scarlet rot buildup. But you will most likely be affected by it unless you used a cure for it.
  6. Here you will find Basilisks, they are frog-like creatures with huge eyes.
  7. Run past them and climb the tilted pillar.
  8. Once you reach the top, turn north and go towards the structure.
  9. Here you can find the Mushroom Crown on a corpse hanging from a pillar.
  10. Climb on the pillar and you can get it.

The Mushroom Armor has the following stats when used with Mushroom Head:

  • Immunity: 243
  • Robustness: 57
  • Focus: 214
  • Vitality: 181
  • Poise: 2
  • Weight: 12.1

It has the following stats when used with Mushroom Crown:

  • Immunity: 246
  • Robustness: 92
  • Focus: 194
  • Vitality: 170
  • Poise: 11
  • Weight: 19

That covers this guide on the locations where you can find the Mushroom Armor in Elden Ring & get the Mushroom Crown. Since you like playing this game be sure to check out our Elden Ring guides to get locations of other such armor sets.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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