
Where Is Flexwood In LEGO Fortnite?

Check out this guide to know where you can find Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite.

Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite is one of those resources that are tricky to come by and are specific to a certain biome. The material is used to craft Flexwood Rods which are essential items required to upgrade your village and craft different equipment including Rare Pickaxe in the game. And for those who don’t know, since the rare pickaxe mines most of the metal ores out there in the brick world, it’s important to upgrade your regular pickaxe into one.

However, as essential as it is, if you don’t know where to look for the Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite then it can be quite hard to figure out. And they can be easily missed out upon in the game. So if you are looking to make the most of your trip and want to get your hands on the rare resource, then here is a guide you should check out further.

Where to Find Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite

Image Source: Jade PG – Crafted on YouTube

Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite is common to the desert biome also known as the Dry Valley. And the reason they are easy to miss out on is that one can only harvest them through the Cacti surrounding the desert biome. And while they are available all around the desert, harvesting them can be quite difficult. The main reason is that to forage the Flexwood from the cactus players will need Rare Forest Axe or even better equipment.

You won’t be able to deal enough damage to any cactus using lower-rarity equipment in the game. To craft the Rare Forest Axe, you will need to upgrade your Crafting Bench to Rare Crafting Bench accordingly. Once done, you will need x5 Cut Amber and x3 Knotroots to make the Rare Forest Axe.

Before heading in search of the desert biome, we would suggest that you climb atop some tall structures or hills to have a good view of the biome. Another important thing worth mentioning is that you will need some Snow Berry Shakes at your disposal to counter the heat in the biome. With that being said, once you have the rare axe at your disposal, simply hit any cactus and it will drop down Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite.

You can also try to use any explosives in your inventory, to harvest the resource from the cacti. This can include anything from Dynamite to Boom Barrels in the brick world.

How to Craft Flexwood Rods in LEGO Fortnite

Image Source: Beau on YouTube

To craft Flexwood Rods, you will need to build a Lumber Mill in LEGO Fortnite. However, you will need to first craft the Crafting Bench to unlock the recipe for the station. Here are all the materials required to build the station:

  • x8 Wood
  • x15 Granite

Both of these resources are harvested pretty easily in the game. You will come across them in the grassland biome itself. And if not you can always venture out to other biomes for resources. Once you have the Flexwood at your disposal, interact with the Lumber Mill and assign the recipe. After which you will be able to collect Flexwood Rods in the game.

That’s everything covered in this guide. For more interesting guides like these, be sure to go through our dedicated Fortnite section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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