Tower Of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy: Where To Get Fiddleheads (Location)

Check out this guide to know the locations of Fiddleheads in Tower of Fantasy.

Tower of Fantasy is an action and adventure MMORPG game similar to Genshin Impact. It has a large open world map that has many collectibles and consumables scattered on it. These items can be used to redeem rewards or for consumption to regenerate Health and Satiety. Fiddleheads are one such consumable that can be consumed to regain health. However, its location is not marked on the map as it needs a bit of exploration to find. They are located on different regions of the map and can be tiring to search for. Know the location of the Fiddleheads in Tower of Fantasy through our guide.

Where to Get Fiddleheads in Tower of Fantasy (Locations)

It is possible to consume Fiddleheads in their raw form or by making dishes from them. Moreover, these consumables are used as ingredients to make dishes inside a Cooking Station. Get Fiddleheads in the following locations:

This item is scattered across the map of Aesperia.
However, Banges Island is the main region where the Fiddleheads are found in abundance.
A handful of these is located near the areas surrounding the Banges Factories.
Also, the area near Banges Tech has a lot of Fiddleheads spawned near it.
These areas have a lot of Fiddleheads and can be obtained anytime.

What to do With Fiddleheads in ToF (Use)

Cooking dishes in the game requires recipes and required ingredients. Also, some of these recipes are unlocked since the beginning of the game. However, some recipes get unlocked as the game progresses. Fiddlehead is used as one of the ingredients while making Fiddlehead Soup. 2x Fiddlehead and 4x Lettuce when processed in a Cooking Station makes a Fiddlehead Soup. It regenerates Satiety by 10 points after consumption. In addition, it regenerates Health by 34,000 and an extra 16% points.

That’s everything you should know about the Fiddleheads in Tower of Fantasy. If you found this article helpful, then make sure to check out our other guides on Sea Urchins and Brown Rice in the game.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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