Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact The Entombed City Outskirts Puzzle Solution

Continue to read this guide to easily complete the challenging Entombed City Outskirts puzzle in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact is house to numerous challenging puzzles and Entombed City Outskirts is one of them. It is a complex puzzle where you have to remember a sequence. Here’s the best way to remember the sequence and complete the Entombed City Outskirts puzzle in Genshin Impact. But before that let’s begin with where to find the puzzle.

Genshin Impact Entombed City Outskirts Puzzle: Where to Find it?

You will find the Entombed City Outskirts puzzle in the northern area of the Entombed City Outskirts location. It is to the east of Sal Terrae. The best way to get there is to use the waypoint to the north of the Entombed City Outskirts area and head northeast.

Genshin Impact Entombed City Outskirts Puzzle: How to Complete It?

Once you get started with the puzzle a Seelie will fly over some statues and you have to remember the sequence. The best way to do this is to remember that the Seelie will always fly to the opposite statue. Now, use a Cyro character to activate the statues in the exact same sequence.

Once the statues are active two ruin guards will appear. Defeat the guards and descend to the cavern below the ice. You will find a Seelie surrounded by ice. Find a Rose Quarts and destroy the ice. Now, follow the Seelie. It will highlight a torch in front of a gate where you need to destroy ice and dig in.

When underneath, find a Seelie hidden under one of the snow patches. Follow the Seelie until it takes you to a gate and opens it. Inside, you will find two exquisite chests and a Rose Quartz. Take the Rose Quartz and beat the two ruin guards that show up to reveal the third Seelie. This Seelie will take you to the last exquisite chest and out of the cavern which will complete the Entombed City Outskirts puzzle.

That’s everything you need to know about how to complete the Entombed City Outskirts puzzle in Genshin Impact. While here, also consider reading about some other challenging quests and puzzles you need to solve in the game. You can read about how to complete the Snapshots quest, Dragonspine Pressure Plate puzzle, and Great Mountain Survey 2 quest in Genshin Impact.


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