Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact: Lingju Pass Geo Pillars Puzzle Solution Guide

Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle is an elemental challenge in Genshin Impact. Follow this guide to know how to solve the puzzle and complete the challenge in Genshin Impact.

Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle is an elemental challenge in Genshin Impact located at the Lingju Pass in the Liyue region. You will have to activate five barriers to solve the puzzle and proceed further in the game. However, the pillars are protected by some barriers and you have to complete certain tasks to unlock and activate them. This guide will walk you through how to unlock the barriers and complete the Linju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle in Genshin Impact.

How to Solve Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle in Genshin Impact

To solve the Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle in Genshin Impact, ensure to have Anemo and Geo characters in your team. You can take any route, the only thing to take care of to solve the puzzle is that all five pillars are active.

The first pillar is straight on the steps and does not have any barrier. However, it does have a Cryo Abyss mage who is guarding it. Simply defeat the mage and activate the pillar. Now, head to the next pillar.

The second pillar does have a barrier and you have to unlock it. You will find some round plates near the pillar. All you need to do is put weight on these plates to unlock the barrier. You can use Anemo Traveler or Amber to complete the task. If you are using Traveler, put a glowing boulder on one plate and make your character stand on the other. While using Amber use the Bunny Baron and place him on one of the plates and take Amber to stand on the other. This will open the barrier, and you can then activate the pillar.

The next pillar to solve the Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle is near a massive tree. There will be three crimson flowers near the pillar. Walk over to each one of them. When you do so, the flowers will explode. Once all the flowers explode, the barrier will be gone. Now, use Geo on the statues to activate the pillar.

Unlocking the next pillar requires you to activate a windmill nearby it. You can use your Anemo characters to activate the windmill. This will take down the barrier and allow you to activate the pillar.

Once all four pillars are active, a stream of wind flow will start from the middle of the lake. You will have to glide into the stream of wind. This will allow you to raise as high as the last pillar. From here, you can activate the fifth pillar to solve the Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle in Genshin Impact.

I hope this Genshin Impact puzzle solution guide was helpful. Genshin Impact has several materials and elements that you need to discover and collect while playing the game. You can read our guides on how to farm Divining Scroll, Calla Lily, and Starconch in Genshin Impact.


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